Reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls in the workplace
This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to prevent slips, trips and falls in the workplace.
It covers:
- following safe working practices
- keeping the workplace clean, tidy and hazard free
- reporting risks and hazards
Slips, trips and falls from height can all have serious consequences. Everyone can do more to ensure that their workplace becomes a safer environment. The effects of slips, trips and falls at work are far reaching, both for those involved, their families and the industries they work in. The cost to society alone is in the order of £800 million per year.
Employees have general duties under the current health and safety at work legislation.
They must take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions and comply with their employers arrangements for managing health and safety.
If you are an employee or working under someone else's control, the law says you must:
- inform your employer of any work situation you consider dangerous, or of any shortcoming in their protection arrangements for health and safety
- use all work items provided by your employer correctly, in accordance with your training and the instructions you received to use them safely
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- comply with relevant health and safety legislation and requirements at all times
- follow methods of work and safe systems of work at all times following standard operating procedures
- wear appropriate personal protective equipment at all times following standard operating procedures and safe systems of work
- report near misses and accidents promptly to your employer following standard operating procedures
- report slip and trip risks following standard operating procedures
- keep floors clean and dry following standard operating procedures
- clear up spillages following standard operating procedures
- avoid causing trailing cables following standard operating procedures
- keep place of work clear of obstacles following standard operating procedures
- report any issues with lighting and floor marking following standard operating procedures
- report damaged floors and mats following standard operating procedures
- wear appropriate footwear at all times following standard operating procedures
- use appropriate access equipment when working at height following standard operating procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- relevant health and safety legislation and requirements
- methods of work and safe systems of work
- personal protective equipment you must use
- how to report near misses and accidents and why this needs to be done
- how to report slip and trip risks and why this needs to be done
- how to keep floors clean and dry
- products and methods to use when cleaning floors
- how to clear up spillages
- why it is important to keep place of work clear of obstacles
- how to report any issues with lighting and floor marking and why this needs to be done
- how to report damaged floors and mats and why this needs to be done
- footwear to use and why it is important to wear this at all times
- access equipment to use when working at height and why
- types of access equipment