Conduct health and safety risk assessments of a workplace

Business Sectors (Suites): Hair, Wigs, Make Up and Prosthetics for Productions ,Health and Safety,Props for Productions ,Set Crafts,Stagehands for Productions ,Water Fittings Regulations/Byelaws Enforcement,Broadcast Engineering,Water Network Construction Operations,Armoury and Weapons Supply for Productions ,Gas Network Construction Operations,Multi-Utility Network Construction Operations,Water Treatment Processing
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is for people carrying out risk assessments in the workplace. This could be an employer, line manager, supervisor, safety representative or employee.

It covers competences needed to identify hazards, evaluate risks and make recommendations to control risks and review results.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. define why and where risk assessments will be carried out
  2. select appropriate methods for identifying hazards and evaluating risks following best practice
  3. prioritise areas where hazards with potential for serious harm to health are most likely to occur following best practice
  4. identify hazards that have potential to cause harm and/or loss following best practice
  5. review internal and external standards and guidelines following standard operating procedures
  6. confirm appropriate precautions are in place following best practice
  7. assess levels of risk and record significant findings following best practice
  8. consider and prioritise where further controls are required following standard operating procedures
  9. present results and reasonably practicable recommendations of risk assessments to the responsible people
  10. review and revise risk assessments following standard operating procedures
  11. maintain suitable and sufficient records following standard operating procedures
  12. take suitable action to control or remove imminent risks following best practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. relevant legal requirements and standards
  2. workplace hazards most likely to cause harm or loss
  3. importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards in the workplace
  4. methods of identifying hazards and risks
  5. purpose, legal implications and importance of carrying out risk assessments
  6. techniques for carrying out risk assessments
  7. particular health and safety risks which may affect your own role and precautions to take
  8. resources required for risk assessments
  9. information sources for risk assessments
  10. what to do with results of risk assessments
  11. importance of dealing with, or promptly reporting relevant hazards and risks
  12. your own limitations, job responsibilities and capabilities
  13. where to find expert advice and guidance
  14. work areas and people you are carrying out assessments for
  15. work activities of people in the workplace where you are carrying out risk assessments
  16. effective communication methods
  17. how to identify suitable control measures


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Health and Safety Managers, Health and Safety Officers, Occupational Health Workers, Occupational Hygienists and Safety Officers (health and safety)

SOC Code



Occupational health and safety; health and safety; risk assessment