Develop and implement health and safety audits
Business Sectors (Suites): Health and Safety
Developed by: Improve
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement health and safety audits.
It covers
- preparing systems for health and safety audits;
- implementing health and safety audit systems;
- evaluating compliance of health and safety management systems of your organisation with operational and technical standards and procedures specified by management;
- evaluating compliance with, and relevance of, health and safety performance standards of your organisation;
- evaluating compliance of health and safety management systems of your organisation with relevant health and safety statutory requirements; and
- recommending changes to improve performance of health and safety management systems of your organisation
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- define purpose, objective, nature, scope and frequency of health and safety audits for your organisation
- define operational and technical standards and procedures and performance standards for health and safety in your organisation
- identify health and safety statutory requirements relevant to scope of audits following industry best practice
- identify competent auditors (in-house or external) and suitable audit tools following industry best practice
- agree audit programmes and reporting procedures with relevant stakeholders following industry best practice
- carry out audits in your organisation to meet agreed specifications following industry best practice
- review and evaluate health and safety documentation of your organisation following industry best practice
- carry out physical inspections and behavioural observations following industry best practice
- modify audit programmes to meet unexpected situations and requirements following industry best practice
- keep records of health and safety audits following industry best practice
- prepare written health and safety audit reports following industry best practice
- quantify results of audit reports following industry best practice
- make recommendations to improve health and safety performance of your organisation, including realistic implementation timescales following industry best practice
- present audit reports to directors and/or senior managers following standard operating procedures
- advocate acceptance of recommendations made to improve the health and safety performance of your organisation to relevant stakeholders
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- health and safety management systems
- health and safety management operational and technical standards and procedures
- health and safety audit questionnaires
- health and safety documentation
- nature and scope of audits
- how an audit system can be reviewed
- advantages and disadvantages of in-house and bought-in audits
- competency of auditors and companies offering audits
- plan, do, check, act model and how this is researched and evaluated as part of the audit function
- effective written communication
- health and safety statutory requirements
- industry best practice
- quality management requirements for documentation
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Health and Safety Managers, Health and Safety Officers, Occupational Health Workers, Occupational Hygienists and Safety Officers (health and safety)
SOC Code
Occupational health and safety; health and safety; develop; implement; audits