Develop, implement and review reactive monitoring systems for health and safety
Business Sectors (Suites): Health and Safety
Developed by: Improve
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to develop, implement and review reactive monitoring systems for health and safety.
It covers
- developing and implementing health and safety reactive performance (loss event) monitoring systems;
- developing and implementing loss event investigation systems and procedures;
- investigating loss events; and
- reviewing and responding to health and safety reactive performance monitoring outcomes
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify health and safety loss events following industry best practice
- devise suitable and appropriate health and safety loss event reporting forms following standard operating procedures
- develop health and safety loss event reporting and recording procedures following standard operating procedures
- assist in implementation of health and safety loss event reporting and recording procedures following standard operating procedures
- keep records of the health and safety loss events following industry best practice
- check relevant health and safety loss events are reported to regulatory authorities following standard operating procedures
- identify which health and safety loss events require a formal investigation following industry best practice
- develop health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures following standard operating procedures
- assist in implementation of health and safety loss event systems and procedures following industry best practice
- facilitate health and safety loss event investigations following industry best practice
- involve key stakeholders in health and safety loss event reporting, recording and investigation systems following industry best practice
- inform key stakeholders of risk assessments to be reviewed following health and safety loss event investigations following industry best practice
- identify and advise key stakeholders of possible breaches of statutory and common law requirements following health and safety loss event investigations
- manage implementation of recommendations arising from health and safety loss event investigations following industry best practice
- keep appropriate records of health and safety investigations following standard operating procedures
- present statistical and epidemiological analyses of health and safety loss event data in numerical and graphical format following standard operating procedures
- interpret statistical and epidemiological analyses following industry best practice
- present statistical and epidemiological analyses in a meaningful way to key stakeholders following standard operating procedures
- keep records of health and safety loss events following standard operating procedures
- inform key stakeholders (written and verbal reports) of outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring following standard operating procedures
- interpret outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring following standard operating procedures
- make appropriate recommendations based on the outcomes of reactive performance monitoring following industry best practice
- respond to requirements of regulatory authorities for outcomes of health and safety reactive performance monitoring following standard operating procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- health and safety loss events
- reporting forms and recording procedures for health and safety loss events
- health and safety loss events that require formal investigation
- health and safety loss event investigation systems and procedures
- failure tracing methods and techniques
- effective written and verbal communication techniques
- how to respond to the needs of others
- statistical and epidemiological analyses of data
- a range of statistical analysis techniques/methodology appropriate to the workplace/industry
- health and safety statutory requirements regarding loss events and investigations
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Health and Safety Managers, Health and Safety Officers, Occupational Health Workers, Occupational Hygienists and Safety Officers (health and safety)
SOC Code
Occupational health and safety; health and safety; reactive; monitoring systems