Prepare location for assembly and placement of furniture

Business Sectors (Suites): Fitted Furniture Installation
Developed by: Proskills
Approved on: 01 Nov 2015


This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare locations for the assembly of fitted furniture.  This involves:

  1. interpreting information
  2. making the assembly and placement area ready for work
  3. ensuring all resources are ready for use
  4. working in ways that ensure your own and other's safety

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. confirm locations and schedules of assembly work with relevant people
  2. obtain agreement with relevant people to proceed before starting work
  3. isolate work areas to protect areas exposed to debris
  4. confirm customers have removed vulnerable items to clear work areas and access routes
  5. prepare work areas following standard operating procedures
  6. establish safe and secure storage areas for resources and components
  7. follow safe and effective working practices at all times
  8. identify problems relating to the installation and deal with them in line with standard operating procedures
  9. maintain effective communication with the customer in line with customer care procedures
  10. check specified quality and quantity of components and resources are taken to the location
  11. confirm specified resources, tools and equipment are present and are in  safe working order
  12. carry out preparatory work on components and materials following standard operating procedures
  13. lay out resources and components in a logical order for effective working

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. ​standard operating procedures and how to apply these
  2. how to interpret work specifications including drawings
  3. who to confirm work requirements with and why it is important to have all the required agreements before you begin
  4. areas to be isolated and suitable protective coverings to be used
  5. types of vulnerable objects to be moved by customers and why
  6. personal responsibilities with regard to Health and Safety issues whilst in location
  7. when to set up storage areas and safety and security issues to consider
  8. problems that can occur on location and how you should deal with them
  9. how to provide information clearly to customers, what information they require and why
  10. how to dispose of waste in accordance with current legislation
  11. resources needed for furniture assembly in a location and preparation processes
  12. types of components assembled in location and preparation needed on location
  13. good practice methods for laying out resources and components



The customer for furniture that is assembled in location may be an individual or an organisation.


Components of furniture will differ according to the type of furniture, but would include:

    1. assemblies/framework components
    2. internal components
    3. fascia components
    4. shutters and blinds

The location is any interior within a property owned by the customer.  It may be bare of other furniture and furnishings or furnished.

Problems and faults                  
Problems may occur with any aspect of the materials, tools, equipment, components or the location.  Solving them may require direct action by the individual carrying out the work, reference to specification, authority within the organisation and/or action by the customer, or a combination of all.

The resources covered by this unit address materials, tools and equipment. 

Typical materials within furniture assembly would include:

    1. finishes (stains, sealers, primers, paints)
    2. adhesives
    3. fixings (screws, nails, drawer runners, handle etc)
    4. ancillary items (cabling conduits, lighting, glassware etc)

Typical tools and equipment within furniture assembly would include:

  1. hand tools (hammer, screw driver, chisel, plane etc)
  2. battery powered tools (saw, drill, jigsaw, screw driver etc)
  3. electric powered tools (saw, drill, jigsaw, screw driver etc)
  4. power cables, portable generators and transformers

Information / Specification
The specification for the location assembly and placement will have been agreed between the organisation and the customer.  It will typically detail:

  1. the exact location within the customer's property where the furniture is to be assembled and installed
  2. the dimensions, construction and finishing of the furniture
  3. resource requirements
  4. outcome quality
  5. time schedule

It may be written and/or involve drawings and work lists.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

31 Mar 2020





Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Carpenter and Joiner, Furniture Makers and Other Craft Woodworkers, Paper and Wood Machine Operatives

SOC Code

5135; 5442; 8121


Location; prepare; customer;