Evaluate and develop your own furniture design skills and expertise
This standard addresses the competence required to evaluate and develop your own skills and expertise in furniture design. This involves:
- evaluating your current skills and expertise against industry standards
- obtaining and making use of information on industry standards
- finding out about development opportunities
- actively seeking to develop yourself professionally
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
**Evaluate your current skills
- assess your own skills and expertise objectively against those of other designers, both contemporary and historical
- seek constructive feedback from relevant others on your own skills and expertise
- evaluate your skills and expertise at regular intervals
**Develop your skills
4. identify and prioritise areas for development to maintain and improve your own skills, knowledge and expertise
5. carry out a realistic assessment of the time and other resources required to meet your development needs
6. identify and use suitable personal development methods that are achievable within available resources
**Review approach to development
7. review your progress and the effectiveness of the development methods you have chosen
8. adjust the development methods used as required to make sure you meet your development needs
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to access information about contemporary and historical designers
- ways to assess the work of other designers and the way they present their designs
- what sort of information you need to carry out an objective assessment
- how to ask for and make use of constructive feedback
- why it is important to prioritise development needs
- how regular self-evaluation can help you to maintain and develop your skills and expertise
- how to judge the time and other resources that will be needed
- why it is important to review your progress and to make sure that the development method chosen is working
- what support is available through learning providers, employers, peers, professional bodies and others to help you develop