Supervise vending services Legacy

Business Sectors (Suites): Hospitality Supervision and Leadership
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2016


This standard is about the maintenance of the vending service and is likely to be used by a supervisor responsible for the activities within the area of work on a daily basis under the direction of the relevant manager.

Customers using vending machines on a daily basis are often unaware of the work that goes on behind the scenes and behind the machines.

Providing a quality, cost-effective vending service requires a range of skills and knowledge from understanding the resources needed to ensure efficient and safe delivery of the service through to very specific areas such as being aware of which products could cause allergic reactions and how to prevent this happening.

This standard deals with the monitoring and supervision of the service and involves briefing staff on procedures and work schedules, reviewing sales, inspecting vending machines and dealing with problems.  It also covers the key steps in ensuring food, drinks and other items are maintained and dispensed in the best possible condition, meets the necessary requirements for food standards and hygiene and is adjusted to cater for requirements.

When you have completed this standard you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to:


​​Supervise vending services

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Develop procedures and work schedules and make sure you and your staff comply with them, updating staff on any new requirements
  2. Ensure staff have the skills, knowledge and resources they need when they need them and encourage staff to ask questions if there is information that they do not understand
  3. Carry out inspections to make sure the vending service complies with legal requirements, industry regulations, professional codes and organisational policies
  4. Recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly; find practical ways to overcome barriers and take effective action to manage problems that may disrupt the vending service
  5. Lead by example and brief staff to look for and report problems when they occur and respond constructively; recognise recurring problems and promote changes to structures, systems and processes to resolve these
  6. Monitor the quality of work and progress against plans and take effective action to manage problems with the vending service when they occur, finding practical ways to overcome barriers
  7. Control costs, make best use of available resources and proactively seek new sources of support when issues arise
  8. Inform customers of any changes to the service that may affect them
  9. Monitor and review the vending service to identify how the service could be improved, continuously seeking to improve products and services and diversify where appropriate
  10. Collect feedback on the service from staff and customers
  11. Give constructive feedback to staff to help them improve their performance where appropriate
  12. Use effective methods to gather, store and retrieve information, accurately complete the required records and report on performance to support the vending service according to your organisational procedures​

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. How to plan efficient vending services

1.1. What legal requirements govern vending operations

1.2. What your organisation's policies are for providing the vending service

1.3. What range of products is provided by your organisation

1.4. What types of machines are used by the organisation

1.5. What vended products can cause allergic reactions

1.6. What measures need to be taken to prevent reactions to potential allergens

1.7. How to contribute to developing procedures for the vending service

1.8. Why you need contingency plans to deal with problems with the vending service

1.9. What your organisation's policies are for identifying faults, breaches of security and damage

2. How to work out what resources are needed to operate efficient vending services

2.1. The resources you require for the operation of the vending service and how to obtain these

2.2. What resources you need to ensure the hygiene and maintenance of the vending service

3. How to operate efficient vending services

3.1. What systems are in place to ensure staff are following correct procedures and how you should apply these

3.2. Why it is important to liaise with customers and staff

3.3. How to communicate procedures to your staff

3.4. What procedures staff should follow for cleaning, filling and emptying machines of cash

3.5. How to deal with cash discrepancies

3.6. How products should be presented and displayed

3.7. How frequently you should refill the machines in your area of responsibility

3.8. What temperatures should be maintained for the products you are responsible for and why this is important

3.9. The recording procedures which apply to the maintenance and operation of the service (including cash takings, temperature control and complaints) and why this is important

4. How to monitor vending services

4.1. How to monitor and review the service, including collecting feedback from customers and staff and reviewing sales

4.2. What procedures you should use to monitor sales

4.3. Why you should report fluctuations in sales and who you should report these fluctuations to

4.4. What the types of problems are that may affect the vending service and how to manage these

5. How to gather and act on feedback

5.1. How to use feedback from others constructively

5.2. How to encourage others to give feedback


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge



The following behaviours are provided as guidance to underpin effective performance of a hospitality supervisor

  1. ​You identify people's information needs
  2. You present information clearly, concisely, accurately and in ways that promote understanding
  3. You find practical ways to overcome barriers
  4. You make appropriate information and knowledge available promptly to those who need it and have a right to it
  5. You recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly
  6. You recognise recurring problems and promote changes to structures, systems and processes to resolve these
  7. You continuously improve products and services and seek to diversify where appropriate ​



​Effective methods to gather, store and retrieve information include cost-effective, time effective and ethical means.

Information includes from customers and staff.​

Links To Other NOS

​This standard is a sector specific standard and has particular links with the following standards in the Hospitality Supervision & Leadership suite of standards:HSL1-6HSL14HSL19HSL23​

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Supervisor, Team Leader

SOC Code



supervise, vending