Develop, monitor and maintain the health, safety and security of the work environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Funeral Services
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2022


This standard is for people working in funeral businesses. It is about developing, monitoring and maintaining the health, safety and security of the work environment within a funeral business.

This standard is for funeral directors, funeral directors assistants, funeral operatives, embalmers with responsibility to promote and monitor health, safety and security.

When you have completed this standard you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to:

  • Develop, monitor and maintain the health, safety and security of the work environment

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. monitor and maintain the working environment, work practices, materials and equipment  with sufficient frequency to identify risks to health and safety and security 2. follow relevant legal regulations for identifying risks 3. take timely and sufficient action to contain risks in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and your funeral business' policies and procedures 4. handle, transport and store materials, equipment and substances in appropriate containers and in designated areas safely and securely 5. report risks to health, safety and security clearly and accurately 6. use personal protective equipment 7. use equipment required for protection from risks properly 8. check that warnings of potential risks are clear, unambiguous and issued to all of those at risk 9. comply with the relevant health and safety requirements at work 10. explain and promote health and safety requirements to colleagues accurately and clearly and make information about requirements available to them 11. identify risks to health and safety accurately and promote safe working practices  12. implement appropriate and approved procedures to deal with risks and incidents in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and business policies and procedures 13. act to prevent injury and damage in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and your funeral business' policies and procedures 14. report risks to the people responsible for managing them in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and your funeral business' policies and procedures 15. use safety equipment provided 16. use approved escape routes to evacuate the workplace in accordance with guidelines and in ways that do not increase risk to self and others 17. immediately suspend activities when it is necessary to evacuate the workplace 18. report incidents clearly, accurately and completely in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and your funeral business' policies and procedures 19. initiate appropriate action to deal with health emergencies in accordance with relevant codes of practice, regulations and your funeral business' policies and procedures 20. provide the individual with the health emergency with support and  reassurance 21. provide others affected by the health emergency with support and reassurance 22. minimise potential risks by making the vicinity of the health emergency safe 23. record the health emergency accurately, legibly and completely

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. how to recognise indicators of risk 2. how to check for risks 3. how to monitor the working environment, work practices, materials and equipment 4. how to care for, safely use and store instruments, equipment and materials 5. why monitoring is important 6. why action to deal with risks is important 7. what the local arrangements and requirements are for monitoring and controlling risks to health, safety and security 8. what the indicators of risk are 9. what your rights, duties and responsibilities are under relevant legislation  10. what person is responsible for handling accidents, emergencies and security breaches in your work environment 11. what safety equipment and personal protective equipment is available 12. what visual and audible warnings and notices are required 13. what procedures for health and safety and dealing with emergencies there are in the work environment, and the reporting arrangements and requirements for these 14. what safety checks are needed 15. what methods to use for the prevention of cross-infection and the destruction of pathogens 16. what the chains of infection regarding pathogens are 17. what the different types of waste and spillage are and different disposal methods for them 18. how to recognise risks to health and safety and promote safe working practices with your employees 19. how to use extinguishers and other equipment in different situations 20. how to initiate the alarm systems 21. how to access escape routes 22. how to access resuscitation and other life saving techniques 23. why adherence to emergency procedures is important 24. what your funeral business' arrangements for dealing with emergencies are, including individual roles and responsibilities to health, and customer liability legislation 25. how to support and reassure individuals affected by a health emergency and why this is important 26. what person to seek assistance from and methods of contacting appropriate persons in an emergency 27. what the effects of shock are on individuals affected by a health emergency, and procedures for dealing with shock


When monitoring and maintaining a healthy, safe and secure working environment, you must show that you can achieve the outcome with the following:

1. Risks to:
1.1. people
1.2. property

2. Risks arising from:
2.1. the behaviour of self and others
2.2. fixed and moveable equipment
2.3. goods, substances and materials
2.4. the condition of the deceased

3. Action taken to:
3.1. eliminate the risk
3.2. prevent injury, damage and cross-infection
3.3. protect people and property

When developing health and safety in the work environment, you must show that you can achieve the outcome with the following:
1. Information:
1.1. signs and notices
1.2. leaflets
1.3. instructions and procedures

2. Risks to health and safety:
2.1. emergencies
2.2. accidents

3. Action to prevent injury and damage:
3.1. prevention
3.2. protection
3.3. use of emergency services

4. Equipment:
4.1. to eliminate the risk
4.2. to protect people from the risk

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

The standards in the funeral operations suite should be complemented by pan-sector standards such as working relationships, business, administration and resource management, as well as any other specific requirements of the employer.

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st International Ltd

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Funeral Director, Funeral Director’s Assistant, Funeral Services Attendant, Funeral Services Operative, Funeral Arranger

SOC Code



Funerals; funerary; undertakers; undertaking; promotes; promoting; monitors; monitoring; watches; watching; maintains; maintaining; workplaces; accidents; emergencies