Arrange repatriation of the deceased

Business Sectors (Suites): Funeral Services
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about arranging for repatriation of the deceased back to the United Kingdom and also about repatriation to other countries.

This standard is for funeral directors and funeral arrangers when they have the authority to arrange repatriation.

When you have completed this standard you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to:

  • Arrange repatriation of the deceased

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. inform the client about your funeral business’ services and fees associated with repatriation 2. advise clients on available consular or alternative support arrangements 3. agree and confirm with client the contract to act on their behalf to repatriate the deceased 4. comply with the relevant regulatory and legal requirements associated with repatriation of the deceased into the United Kingdom 5. follow the relevant regulations and legislation for identification of the deceased 6. comply with the involvement of the Coroner or Procurator Fiscal (if applicable) 7. liaise and make arrangements for third party or specialist funeral directing services required for the repatriation of the deceased 8. follow your funeral business’ processes and procedures to commence the process of repatriation of the deceased 9. check the completion of documentation required by your funeral business, the country of origin and the United Kingdom relevant to repatriation of the deceased 10. ensure accurate financial records are maintained for the repatriation in accordance with the arrangements made with the client 11. keep clients updated on progress with the repatriation 12. follow relevant regulatory and legislative requirements for the repatriation of cremated remains 13. ensure arrangements for and the process to repatriate the deceased adhere to any consular requirements (if applicable) and relevant regulatory and legal requirements if repatriating the deceased from the United Kingdom to another country 14. prepare the deceased to meet the requirements for repatriation 15. ensure all documentation required for repatriation is obtained, checked, completed, stored and distributed in adherence to relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice and your funeral business’ policies and procedures 16. select the correct type of coffin and seal according to the requirements specified in the repatriation arrangements 17. ensure relevant financial details and arrangements to make payments are processed and recorded and shared with the client and third parties

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. the importance of advising clients of your funeral business’ services and fees associated with repatriation 2. why you need to agree and confirm a contract to act on behalf of the client to repatriate the deceased 3. the relevant regulatory and legislative requirements governing arrangements for the repatriation of the deceased into the United Kingdom 4. who instruction can be taken from when making arrangements for the repatriation of the deceased 5. the process for registration of a death outside of the United Kingdom 6. the circumstances and requirements under which there may be involvement of the Coroner or Procurator Fiscal when arranging repatriations back into the United Kingdom 7. the types of specialist funeral directing services which may be required during repatriation and what your funeral business’ policies and procedures are for obtaining them 8. the regulatory, legislative and your funeral business’ process and procedures required to commence arrangements for repatriation of the deceased 9. the purpose and requirements of documentation required by your funeral business, the country of origin and the United Kingdom relevant to repatriation of the deceased 10. how to manage the costs relating to repatriation of the deceased, including liaison with third parties and keeping of accurate records 11. why clients need to be updated about arrangements for repatriation of the deceased 12. the relevant regulatory, legislative and consular requirements when arranging for repatriation of the deceased from the UK to another country 13. the actions which must be taken when preparing the deceased for repatriation to another country 14. the factors influencing the selection of type and the sealing of the coffin 15. the range of financial arrangements required for repatriation from the United Kingdom to another country


Third parties – clients, transport authorities and organisations, and the Coroner office or Procurator Fiscal office.

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

The standards in the funeral operations suite should be complemented by pan-sector standards such as working relationships, business, administration and resource management, as well as any other specific requirements of the employer.

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st International Ltd

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Funeral Director, Funeral Director’s Assistant, Funeral Services Attendant, Funeral Services Operative, Funeral Arranger

SOC Code



Funerals; funerary; undertakers; undertaking; plans; planning; coordinates; coordinating; co-ordinates; co-ordinating; repatriation