Prepare the deceased for visitation

Business Sectors (Suites): Funeral Services
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about preparing the deceased for visitation from clients which often includes family and friends in the funeral home or other locations following completion of first offices or embalming.

This standard is funeral directors, funeral director assistants, funeral arrangers, funeral operatives and embalmers.

When you have completed this standard you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to:

  • Prepare the deceased for visitation

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. establish and confirm the identity of the deceased 2. clearly establish and confirm the factors affecting the condition and suitability of the deceased for visitation 3. explain to the client the factors affecting the condition and suitability of the deceased and if visitation is advisable or not 4. check visiting requirements for open or closed coffin within the scope of the client’s instruction 5. confirm with clients if visiting is permitted and check if there are any restrictions before preparing the deceased   and completing all relevant documentation 6. use relevant personal protective equipment (PPE) whilst preparing the deceased for visitation 7. respect the dignity of the deceased at all times during preparation for visitation 8. respect client requirements arising from religious customs or other beliefs at all times 9. follow any client instructions for dressing and preparing the deceased including make-up and hairstyle requirements 10. prepare the deceased into a natural position, with the hands resting in a relaxed position 11. check that the appearance of the deceased once prepared complies with client instructions and relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice and your funeral business' policies and procedures 12. check that preparations are carried out with sensitivity appropriate to the location of the visit

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. how to correctly establish and confirm the identity of the deceased before preparing the deceased for visits 2. factors affecting the emotional condition of relatives and next of kin that may make visiting unsuitable 3. the considerations that must be made when ascertaining whether a visitation can be arranged 4. why it is important to check visiting requirements for open or closed coffin within the scope of the client’s instruction 5. the process which must be followed when confirming with clients that visitation is to go ahead 6. the documentation which must be completed when preparing the deceased for visitation 7. the personal protective equipment (PPE) which must be used when preparing for or conducting the visitation 8. your funeral businesses’ code of practice for maintaining respect for the dignity of the deceased at all times during preparation activities 9. how religious customs or other beliefs can influence the process of visitation 10. how to obtain any client instructions to follow for dressing and preparing the deceased including make-up and hairstyle requirements 11. the correct techniques required to prepare and manipulate the deceased into a natural position, with the limbs and hands resting in a relaxed position 12. the final checks you should make to confirm the appearance of the deceased complies with client instructions and follows relevant codes of practice and your funeral business' policies and procedures 13. the impact on the client of the visit location 


When preparing and organising the visit to the deceased, you must show that you can achieve the outcome when dealing with each of the following:

1. Factors and business codes of practice:
1.1. condition of deceased
1.2. emotional condition of client
1.3. location for visitors

2. Dressing the deceased:
2.1. application of cosmetics
2.2. clothing
2.3. facial appearance
2.4. hair

3. Personal protective equipment:
3.1. to protect your head and face
3.2. to protect your hands and feet
3.3. to protect your body

4. Procedures:
4.1. health and safety
4.2. business

5. Religious customs or other beliefs of the deceased which may affect the way they are prepared, located and presented for visits

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

The standards in the funeral operations suite should be complemented by pan-sector standards such as working relationships, business, administration and resource management, as well as any other specific requirements of the employer.

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st International Ltd

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Funeral Director, Funeral Director’s Assistant, Funeral Services Attendant, Funeral Services Operative, Funeral Arranger

SOC Code



Funerals; funerary; undertakers; organises; conducts; carries out; arranges;