Advise clients when making funeral arrangements for a child

Business Sectors (Suites): Funeral Services
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about advising parents about funeral arrangements when they have lost a child, and the additional sensitivities that need to be used when making and agreeing funeral arrangements. It is also about parents being able to have options, choices, products and services that meet their needs.

This standard is for funeral directors, funeral director assistants,  funeral arrangers and embalmers.

When you have completed this standard you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to:

  • Advise clients when making funeral arrangements for a child

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. comply with relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice and your funeral business' policies and procedures for identification of the child 2. comply with regulations and legislation relevant to the circumstances of the child’s death 3. advise clients on the relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice, your funeral business' policies and procedures and funding specifically relevant to a child 4. advise clients about the registration process and documentation specifically  relevant to the death of a child 5. advise clients on how a child is cared for in line with relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice and your funeral business' policies and procedures when attending to, removing, transferring and holding the child in  the care of your funeral business 6. demonstrate empathy when listening to, questioning and advising clients on funeral arrangements for a child, allowing them time to understand the options, choices, products and services available 7. provide clients with the correct information to consider the choice between  burial and cremation following the loss of a child 8. ensure all documentation required for the funeral arrangements of a child are correctly completed 9. ensure that clients review and sign (where necessary) the appropriate  documentation for the funeral arrangements of a child 10. clearly explain the current legal definition of cremated remains/ashes for the benefit of client understanding, including advice on the retrieval of ashes following a cremation of a child (when the child is classed as foetal  remains, a stillbirth, baby or child)

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. why you need to comply with relevant regulations, legislation, codes of practice and your funeral business' policies and procedures for identification of the child 2. the different regulations and legislation which may apply and must be adhered to depending on the circumstances of the child’s death 3. why you need to advise clients on the relevant documentation, legislation, codes of practice, your funeral business' policies and procedures and funding specifically relevant to a child 4. the registration process and documentation specifically relevant to the death of a child and why clients must be advised of this 5. how to advise clients about how the child will be cared for in your funeral  business and why this is important 6. how to show empathy, listening and questioning skills when advising clients  on funeral arrangements for a child 7. the sensitivities around a termination, and care of the parents 8. the range of options, choices, products and services available to clients  when arranging a funeral for a child 9. the documentation you require when making arrangements for the funeral of a child 10. the documentation which must be reviewed and signed by clients to confirm the funeral arrangements for the child 11. the current legal definition of classification of cremated remains/ashes for foetal remains, a stillbirth and a baby or child


1. Child:

1.1. non-viable foetus
1.2. Stillbirth
1.3. live birth
1.4. baby
1.5. child
1.6. young adult

2. Parents:

2.1. Mother
2.2. Father
2.3. Relative
2.4. Family
2.5. Representative
2.6. Third party

3. Options, choices, products and services
When assisting clients to select products and services at need, you must show that you can achieve the outcome when dealing with the following:

3.1 burial
3.2 cremation
3.3 shared cremation for funerals of a child pre 24 weeks gestation
3.4 contract funeral through a third party
3.5 private family funeral
3.6 funeral service open to all
3.7 visiting their child
3.8 taking their child home
3.9 holding their child
3.10 dressing their child
3.11 holding a naming ceremony
3.12 religious
3.13 legal
3.14 ethical
3.15 personal requests
3.16 charitable donations
3.17 embalming
3.18 media
3.19 catering
3.20 masonry
3.21 taking Photographs
3.22 hand and footprints
3.23 stationery
3.24 floristry
3.25 vehicles

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

The standards in the funeral operations suite should be complemented by pan-sector standards such as working relationships, business, administration and resource management, as well as any other specific requirements of the employer.

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st International Ltd

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Funeral Director, Funeral Director’s Assistant, Funeral Services Attendant, Funeral Services Operative, Funeral Arranger

SOC Code



Funerals; funerary; undertakers; undertaking; decedent; cadaver; corpse; victim; arranges; organises; cares; baby; child