Work as part of an aircrew team on board an aircraft
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations in the Air - Cabin Crew
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard is about contributing to teamworking as part of aircrew on board an aircraft. It involves carrying out your duties and communicating with your aircrew team in a way that meets organisational standards, procedures and practices.
This standard is for all members of the cabin crew.
When you have completed this standard you will demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Work as part of aircrew on board an aircraft
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Work as part of an aircrew team on board an aircraft
2. Carry out allocated duties according to the airline's procedures, flight requirements, relevant legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and airline policies
3. Obtain and provide required information from/to aircrew and ground crew in line with the airline’s procedures
4. Offer assistance to and request assistance from aircrew when required
5. Establish and maintain a professional working relationship with aircrew
6. Deal with personal differences, or differences of opinion, in a way that avoids conflict and maintains mutual respect
7. Communicate with aircrew according to the airline’s procedures and in a way which promotes the airline’s values
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. Recognise how all teams are dependent on each other and understand the importance of teamwork
2. Who your team members are - flight crew, cabin crew and ground crew
3. The ground crew's roles and responsibilities
4. The flight crew's roles and responsibilities
5. The cabin crew's roles and responsibilities on the ground and on board an aircraft
6. The airline’s procedures, flight requirements, relevant current legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and airline policies
7. The types of information required by flight crew, cabin crew and ground crew, and how to obtain and provide it
8. The communication techniques to use with the team and how to adapt these to the needs of team members and situations
9. The airline's rules and regulations concerning stopovers and off-duty time
10. How your own behaviour can impact positively and negatively on colleagues and teamworking
11. The different methods for developing and maintaining professional working relationships with your crew
12. When and how to ask for help and / or information and the importance of doing do
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
CAP737 and CAA Flight-Crew Human Factors Handbook
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
cabin crew, airlines, communications, team work