Safeguard the airport/airfield
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard involves safeguarding the airport/airfield to ensure the safety of aircraft while taking off and landing, or flying in the vicinity of airports/airfields. This involves receiving, reviewing and responding to planning applications to confirm that no developments within the safeguarding zone have an adverse effect on the airport/airfield’s operation.
This standard is for those working in airside operations and airport/airfield control rooms whose role involves safeguarding the airport/airfield.
When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Safeguard the airport/airfield
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Confirm the boundaries and limits of the airport/airfield’s safeguarding zone
2. Confirm the relevant planning authorities understand the boundaries and limits of the airport/airfield’s safeguarding zone and any variations according to the type of development under consultation
3. Receive, review and respond to pre-application enquires in line with airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for safeguarding the airport/airfield
4. Receive and review planning applications in line with airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for safeguarding the airport/airfield
5. Consult colleagues and conduct checks to ensure that planned developments will have no impact on airport/airfield safety
6. Respond to planning applications in line with airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for safeguarding the airport/airfield
7. Complete the required safeguarding documentation in in line with airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. The boundaries and limits of the airport/airfield’s safeguarding zone and any variations according to the type of development under consultation
2. The airport/airfield’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for safeguarding the airport/airfield and their importance for ensuring the safety of aircraft while taking off and landing, or flying in the vicinity
3. How to confirm that the relevant planning authorities understand the boundaries and limits of the airport/airfield’s safeguarding zone and any variations according to the type of development under consultation
4. The types of pre-application enquiries you may receive and how to review and respond to them in line with airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for safeguarding the airport/airfield
5. The different types of planning applications you may receive
6. The airport/airfield’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for reviewing and responding to planning applications
7. The actions to take if insufficient evidence is received with the planning application
8. How to consult colleagues and conduct checks to ensure that planned developments will have no impact on airport/airfield safety
9. How to identify if developments within the planning application may cause safeguarding issues for the airport/airfield
10. The actions to take if developments within the planning application may have an impact on airport/airfield safety and cause safeguarding issues
11. The airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing the required safeguarding documentation
Types of planning applications include:
a) Domestic extensions
b) Changes of use developments
c) Industrial developments
d) Major residential development
e) Renewable energy schemes
f) Lighting schemes
Checks include:
a) Obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) penetrations
b) Safety assessments on cranes and construction issues
c) Impact on navigational aids
d) Impact on instrument flight procedures (IFP)
e) Impact of wind turbines and solar installations
f) Wildlife hazard assessment
g) Impact of lighting schemes
h) Impact on public safety zones (PSZ)
i) Building induced turbulence/wind shear and thermal uplift assessment
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Airport/airfield safeguarding
The process used to ensure the safety of aircraft while taking off and landing, or flying in the vicinity of aerodromes. The process involves ensuring that no developments within the safeguarding zone have an adverse effect on the airport/airfield’s operation.
Legal requirements
Legal requirements
Aerodrome Safeguarding is a legal requirement and is required under ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Regulations
Aerodrome referred to as airport/airfield in this document
Aerodrome referred to as airport/airfield in this document
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
People 1st
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
safeguarding; airport; airfield; aerodrome; airside; planning; planning application