Operate in adverse weather at an airport/airfield

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about operating in adverse weather conditions at an airport/airfield. This involves understanding and following the airport/airfield’s and organisational adverse weather procedures and airline protocols, implementing and monitoring the airport/airfield’s adverse weather plans and restoring airside activities to normal operations when the weather has improved. This also involves being able to operate safely by wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE), reporting areas and equipment that are unsafe to use because of the weather, passing on information on adverse weather to colleagues, and maintaining safe airside operations. 

This standard is for those who operate in airside operations.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
Operate in adverse weather at an airport/airfield

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Follow your organisation's and the airport/airfield’s standard operating procedures and airline protocols when operating in adverse weather 2. Maintain safe operations for colleagues, contractors, and operator’s airside in adverse weather conditions   3. Wear the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for the weather conditions in line with organisational procedures 4. Report areas and equipment that are unsafe due to adverse weather conditions in line with airport/airfield and organisational procedures 5. Implement and monitor your organisation's and the airport/airfield’s adverse weather plans 6. Confirm your understanding of the information being provided and taking the required action in response 7. Pass on information on adverse weather to colleagues, contractors, and operator’s airside as required in line with organisational and the airport/airfield's procedures 8. Remove safeguards in place and restore airside activities to normal operations when the adverse weather has improved in line with airport/airfield and organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. The effects of adverse weather on normal airport/airfield and aircraft operations and contractors working airside 2. Your airport/airfield’s and organisational standard operating procedures and airline protocols in relation to adverse weather, and the importance of following them  3. The required personal protective equipment (PPE) for adverse weather conditions and when to wear it in line with organisational and the airport/airfield's procedures and relevant legal requirements 4. How to identify the types of hazards arising from adverse weather conditions 5. The airport/airfield, airline and your organisation’s procedures when working in hazardous conditions arising from low visibility 6. When and how to implement your organisation's and the airport/airfield airside adverse weather plans and the importance of monitoring them 7. How to assess runway surface conditions, contribute to the information regarding the runways state and pass on this information to colleagues and departments to disseminate  8. How to assess and treat winter contamination on the airport/airfield 9. How to report areas and equipment that are unsafe due to adverse weather 10. The basics of aircraft de-icing 11. The basics of meteorology and the process for weather forecasting  12. When and how to remove safeguards in place and restore airside activities to normal operations 


Adverse weather includes:
a) Wind
b) Snow
c) Heat
d) Sun
e) Visibility
f) Ice

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Aircraft **
This includes fixed and rotary wing


Notice to airmen


Snow notice to airmen

Contingency Plans

This includes the snow plan

Meteorological forecast information
Appropriate information includes *TAF and *METAR


Terminal Aerodrome Forecast


Coded Aerodrome MET report

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



airport; airside operations; adverse weather; aerodrome