Perform field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard is about performing field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids to check they are safe and suitable for use. This involves applying knowledge of the types of tests to be carried out on site, as well as preparing samples for laboratory testing. This also involves recording and reporting test results and ensuring all required documentation is completed and stored according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures.
This standard is for those responsible for carrying out aircraft de-icing fluid tests and recording the results.
When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Perform field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Take the required samples from de-icing equipment for field testing according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
2. Perform field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
3. Maintain your own, colleagues’, passengers’ and visitors’ health, safety and welfare when performing field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids
4. Take the required action in the event of fluid failing to meet manufacturer’s performance standards according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures
5. Take and prepare samples for transport to laboratories for further test purposes according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
6. Record / report the results of aircraft de-icing fluid field tests according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures
7. Complete and store documentation relating to aircraft de-icing fluid field testing according to according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. Your organisation’s and the airport/airfield’s procedures for performing field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids and recording / reporting the results
2. From where to take the required aircraft de-icing fluid samples
3. What to look for when conducting a visual check of the de-icing fluid
4. How to use a field refractometer and interpret manufacturers figures for refractive index at 20 degrees Centigrade to calculate mixture strength
5. How to use a falling ball comparator
6. How to use a pH test strip on sample fluid and interpret results from the pH test against manufacturers figures
7. How to maintain your own, colleagues’, passengers’ and visitors’ health, safety and welfare when performing field tests on aircraft de-icing fluids
8. The action to take if the fluid fails to meet manufacturer’s performance standards
9. How laboratory samples should be marked, labelled and shipped for transport to laboratories for testing in line with organisational and the airport/airfield’s procedures
10. When and how to record / report the results of aircraft de-icing fluid field tests
11. Your organisation’s and airport/airfield’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing and storing documentation relating to field testing aircraft de-icing fluid
Aircraft de-icing field tests include:
a) A visual check for contamination
b) A refractive index check to confirm mixture strength
c) Field viscosity checks (falling ball comparator)
d) Field tests for pH
Where to take aircraft de-icing fluid samples from includes:
a) Nozzles
b) Tank
c) Hit test sample
What to look for when conducting a visual check of the de-icing fluid includes:
a) Rust particles
b) Metallic debris
c) Rubber particles
d) Discolouration
How to use a falling ball comparator:
a) Minimum viscosity and maximum viscosity reference samples
b) Clean sample tube
c) Tube filled fully
d) Invert the comparator
e) Check the test sample falls between the speed of the two reference fluids
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
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Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
aircraft, de-icing fluid, field tests, safety, health, laboratory