Monitor and review flight control operations and implement improvements

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about monitoring and reviewing flight control operations and implementing improvements. This involves reviewing and evaluating the organisational systems and procedures used to undertake flight control operations against agreed success measures, key performance indicators and targets. This also involves recommending and seeking approval for making improvements which meet the requirements of the airport/airfield and airlines, relevant legislation, safety specifications, cost control, service level agreements and airline punctuality requirements. You must be able to communicate, implement and monitor agreed improvements, evaluate outcomes and make any further amendments to any issues which may arise. 

This standard is for those working in airports/airfields in management positions.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
Monitor and review flight control operations and implement improvements

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Identify and agree flight control operational success measures, key performance indicators and targets with senior management 2. Monitor, review and evaluate systems and procedures used to undertake flight control operations in line with organisational procedures 3. Recommend improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures to senior management in line with organisational procedures 4. Confirm recommended improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures meet the requirements of the airport/airfield and airlines, current legislation, safety specifications, cost control, service level agreements and punctuality  5. Seek approval for recommended improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures in line with organisational procedures 6. Communicate approved improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures to all necessary parties in line with organisational procedures 7. Implement and monitor approved improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures within agreed timescales 8. Evaluate and record outcomes of improvements against flight control operational success measures, key performance indicators, targets and previous performance 9. Adapt improvements made to flight control operations systems and procedures in response to any identified issues

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. Your organisation’s flight control operations systems and procedures 2. Your organisation's objectives and targets 3. How to identify and agree flight control operational success measures, key performance indicators and targets 4. The role and function of government and international agencies in relation to flight control operations 5. The requirements of relevant legislation and the reference sources for compliance in relation to flight control operations 6. How to monitor, review and evaluate systems and procedures used to undertake flight control operations 7. When and how to recommend improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures 8. The importance of confirming recommended improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures meet the requirements of the airport/airfield and airlines, current legislation, safety specifications, cost control, service level agreements and punctuality 9. Your organisation’s procedures for recommending improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures 10. How, when and to whom to communicate approved improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures  11. Your organisation’s procedures and timescales for implementing and monitoring approved improvements to flight control operations systems and procedures  12. How to manage and implement change  13. The importance of and methods for evaluating and recording the outcomes of improvements against flight control operational success measures, key performance indicators, targets and previous performance 14. How to adapt improvements made to flight control operations systems and procedures in response to any problems that arise


Necessary parties include:
a) Colleagues
b) Flight controllers
c) Control room operatives
d) Other airport/airfield departments
e) Senior management
f) Airlines
g) Flight crew

Government and international agencies include:

a) International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
b) International Air Transport Association (IATA)
c) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

Systems and procedures include:

a) Communications procedures
b) Information processing procedures
c) Documentation procedures
d) Maintaining reference sources
e) Handover procedures 
f) Quality systems

Improvements may relate to:

a) Staffing
b) Information processing
c) Communications 
d) Physical systems

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Your Organisation
This is the company you work for or are contracted to e.g. airport/airfield/aerodrome or airline.

**Organisation’s Procedures
These are the procedures your organisation has in place to ensure compliance with relevant rules, regulations, instructions, policies, procedures, legislation and laws relevant to the activity.

International Civil Aviation Organisation

International Air Transport Association

Civil Aviation Authority

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives

SOC Code



Flight, control, operations, systems, procedures, improvements