Identify and resolve complex aviation issues
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard is about identifying and resolving complex aviation issues. This involves formulating and implementing solutions to complex aviation issues and then reviewing their effectiveness.
This standard is for those working in airports/airfields in supervisory or technical roles.
When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Identify and resolve complex aviation issues
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Collect and interpret information about complex aviation issues in line with organisational procedures
2. Investigate and confirm your understanding of the complex aviation issues in line with organisational procedures
3. Identify and analyse complex aviation issues and the range of factors affecting them
4. Identify and explore options for resolving complex aviation issues in line with organisational procedures
5. Consult with others to identify and confirm options for resolving complex aviation issues
6. Establish the main features, advantages, disadvantages and risks of each option for resolving complex aviation issues
7. Select solutions/actions to resolve complex aviation issues in line with organisational requirements and relevant legal requirements
8. Recommend alternative courses of action/solutions when complex aviation issues are outside your area of responsibility in line with organisational procedures
9. Discuss and agree the proposed option for resolving the issues with others in line with organisational procedures
10. Plan and implement the agreed solution to complex aviation issues in line with organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements
11. Inform others of the progress with the solution implemented to resolve the issues in line with organisational procedures
12. Confirm that the complex aviation issue has been resolved in line with organisational procedures and provide an explanation to others when the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily
13. Evaluate your performance and identify ways of improving your ability to resolve complex aviation issues
14. Complete required documentation in relation to resolving complex aviation issues in line with organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. How to recognise when a complex aviation issue exists
2. Your organisation’s procedures for collecting and interpreting information about complex aviation issues
3. How to investigate and confirm your understanding of complex aviation issues and the importance of doing so
4. How to use different methods to analyse the complex aviation issues
5. How to establish each element of the issue and the factors that affect them
6. How to use a range of methods to identify options for resolving complex aviation issues
7. When and how to consult with others to identify and confirm the potential options for resolving complex aviation issues
8. The alternative courses of action to take when complex aviation issues are outside your area of responsibility, and when and how to recommend them
9. How to select solutions to resolve complex aviation problems issues
10. How to compare the main features of each course of action, including the value, and risks of each option and use this information to justify the solution you decide to implement
11. Your organisation’s procedures for discussing and agreeing the proposed solution/action for resolving the problem with others
12. How to confirm your selected option complies with organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements
13. How to plan and implement the solution to complex aviation issues
14. How to evaluate your solutions to check their progress and to decide if any revisions to your approach are required
15. How to keep others informed of the progress of solutions/actions taken to resolve the aviation issues and the importance of doing so
16. How to confirm the complex aviation issues has been resolved, by methods such as testing, measuring and observing
17. The importance of providing explanations to others when the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily
18. How to evaluate your approach to resolving complex aviation issues including if alternative approaches could have resulted in a different outcome
19. Your organisation’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing documentation in relation to resolving aviation issues
Others includes:
a) Colleagues
b) Managers/Senior Managers
c) Other departments within your organisation
d) External organisations
e) Contractors
f) Suppliers
g) Customers
h) Passengers
i) Visitors
Methods for analysing problems include:
Methods for analysing problems include:
a) Breaking it down into manageable sub-problems (simplifying)
b) Investigating its effects on other people (broadening its focus)
c) Looking at the problem from different viewpoints
d) Checking if the problem changes from place-to-place or over time (reframing)
e) Comparing it with similar problems
Plans for resolving complex aviation problems include:
Plans for resolving complex aviation problems include:
a) Resources
b) Methods
c) The sequence of steps to be taken
d) Time line
e) Monitoring progress
f) Success measurements
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Complex aviation issue
It will have a number of sub-issues and it will be affected by a range of factors. There will be several ways to tackle the issue and you will be expected to use a variety of methods and resources in working towards its resolution.
Risks are the likelihood and consequences of failure
Your Organisation**
Your organisation is the organisation you work for or are contracted to and may be an airline, an airport or airfield, ground handler, service provider or another related agency.
Links To Other NOS
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
aviation problems, solving, solutions