Negotiate on behalf of an aviation organisation

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about negotiating on behalf of an aviation organisation. This involves planning and preparing for negotiations with different members of staff from your own organisation, customers, contractors and representatives of interested groups, such as local community groups. This also involves establishing the conditions for successful negotiations, formulating and making proposals, maintaining the confidentiality of negotiations and bringing negotiations to a successful conclusion.

This standard is for those working in management and/or technical roles in airports/airfields.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:

Negotiate on behalf of an aviation organisation

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Plan and prepare for negotiations in line with organisational procedures 2. Identify and confirm the aims, objectives and parameters for the negotiation with senior managers in your organisation 3. Establish and clarify the roles and levels of responsibility and authority of all relevant parties involved in the negotiation 4. Confirm the aims and objectives of all relevant parties before commencing negotiations 5. Identify and research solutions to potential issues before commencing negotiations 6. Establish the conditions for successful negotiation in line with organisational procedures 7. Formulate proposals within the parameters of the negotiation which meet organisational and legal requirements 8. Highlight the advantages of proposals to the relevant parties  9. Undertake negotiations with the relevant parties according to organisational procedures, within the level of your authority and identified parameters 10. Confirm the confidentiality of negotiations is maintained as required 11. Take the required action when negotiations are outside the identified parameters and your level of authority in line with organisational procedures 12. Summarise, record and document the negotiation process and outcome/agreement in line with organisational procedures 13. Bring negotiations to a successful conclusion by reaching an agreement to the satisfaction of all relevant parties 14. Take the required action in line with organisational procedures when negotiations have not reached a satisfactory conclusion for all parties 15. Obtain approval for the agreement by all relevant parties in line with organisational procedures 16. Complete and store the required documentation in relation to the agreement in line with organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. How to plan and prepare for negotiations 2. Your organisation’s policies, processes and procedures for undertaking negotiations 3. How to identify and confirm the aims, objectives and parameters for the negotiations 4. The importance of establishing and clarifying the roles and levels of responsibility and authority, and confirming the aims and objectives of all relevant parties before commencing negotiations 5. How to identify and research solutions to potential issues before commencing negotiations 6. How to establish the conditions for successful negotiations  7. The different types of strategies which can be used in negotiations 8. Your responsibilities and level of authority when undertaking negotiations on behalf of your organisation 9. How to formulate and make proposals within the parameters of the negotiations which meet organisational and legal requirements 10. How to identify the advantages and disadvantages of proposals  11. The different types of negotiating skills and how to use them 12. How to undertake negotiations which are agreed by all relevant parties and achieve your organisation’s aims and objectives, are within identified parameters and meet relevant legal requirements 13. The importance of maintaining the confidentiality of negotiations as required 14. The actions to take when negotiations are outside the identified parameters and your level of authority 15. The actions to take if negotiations do not reach a satisfactory conclusion for all relevant parties 16. Your organisation’s procedures for summarising, recording and documenting the negotiation process and outcomes/agreement 17. The importance of reaching and obtaining approval for an agreement which satisfies all relevant parties 18. Your organisation’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing and storing the required documentation in relation to the agreement


Relevant parties include: 
a) Your own organisation
b) The airport/airfield
c) Contractors
d) Customers
e) Representatives of interested groups

Parameters include:

a) Timescales
b) Budgets
c) Resources
d) Concessions

Conditions for successful negotiations include:

a) Identification of the requirements of the relevant parties involved
b) Identification of the limits on the relevant parties involved which may restrict negotiations
c) Identification of the likely effect of the negotiations on other departments within your organisation
d) Agreement and shared understanding of the negotiation process with relevant parties 
e) Preparation of information to be used during the negotiation

Proposals include:

a) Written
b) Verbal
c) Electronic

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



organisation, negotiations, negotiate, proposals