Maintain and implement airport/airfield emergency procedures
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Operations on the Ground
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard is about maintaining organisational and airport/airfield emergency systems, procedures and practices, and implementing organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to initial alarm. This involves providing information about your organisation's and the airport/airfield’s emergency systems, procedures and practices and co-ordinating emergency exercises. This also involves co-ordinating and controlling organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to an on-going emergency, whilst undertaking your normal duties as far as practical to do so until normal operations are restored.
This standard is for those working in airports/airfields in senior management positions.
When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Maintain and implement airport/airfield emergency procedure
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Monitor and review the aviation emergency systems, procedures and practices in use in line with organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
2. Take the required action where monitoring and reviews reveal matters/issues in organisational and airport/airfield emergency systems, procedures and practices
3. Maintain organisational and airport/airfield emergency systems, procedures and practices
4. Confirm that team members understand and follow organisational and airport/airfield emergency systems, procedures and practices
5. Co-ordinate organisational and airport/airfield emergency exercises according to the organisation’s and airport/airfield’s procedures and relevant legal requirements
6. Analyse the results from organisational and airport/airfield emergency exercises to inform future practices
7. Confirm that all staff in your area of responsibility have received the required training in organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures
8. Implement organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to the initial alarm being raised
9. Raise and respond to the emergency alarm in line with organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures and relevant legal requirements
10. Establish the nature, extent and the phase of the emergency according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
11. Provide information about the emergency to all necessary parties according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures
12. Report air incidents in line with organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures and relevant legal requirements
13. Set up an emergency control centre as required according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures
14. Co-ordinate and control organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to an ongoing emergency
15. Monitor the nature, extent, classification and phase of the emergency in line with organisational and airport/airfield procedures
16. Maintain the systems, procedures and practices for responding to the emergency in line with organisational and airport/airfield procedures
17. Complete the required documentation relating to the emergency according to organisational and airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements
18. Maintain essential non-emergency duties and operations where practical throughout the emergency
19. Inform your team when the emergency is over and return to normal operations according to your own level of responsibility in line with organisational and airport/airfield procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. Your organisation’s and airport/airfield’s emergency systems, procedures and practices and how to maintain them
2. The relevant legal, requirements and organisational and airport/airfield requirements in relation to developing, disseminating and updating emergency procedures
3. The types of airport/airfield emergencies that can occur and how to respond to them
4. The relevant legal, organisational and airport/airfield requirements in relation to emergency exercises
5. How to analyse and use the results from organisational and airport/airfield emergency exercises to inform future practices
6. Your staff’s training requirements in relation to their work roles, emergency responsibilities and level authority including emergency systems, procedures and practices
7. Your organisation’s and airport/airfield’s procedures for monitoring, inspecting and reviewing emergency systems, procedures and practices
8. How to implement organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to the initial alarm
9. The organisation’s and airport/airfield’s emergency procedures manual
10. Your organisation's and the airport/airfield’s procedures for raising and responding to emergency alarms
11. How to establish the nature, extent and the phase of the emergency
12. When, how and to whom to provide information about the emergency, and the types of information which must be kept restricted and confidential in relation to airport/airfield emergencies
13. Your organisation's and the airport/airfield’s procedures for reporting and recording emergencies
14. Your organisation’s and the airport/airfield’s procedures for setting up an emergency control centre
15. How to co-ordinate and control organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures in response to an on-going emergency
16. How to report air incidents in line with organisational and airport/airfield emergency procedures and relevant legal requirements
17. Your organisation’s airport/airfield procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing documentation relating to the emergency
18. The importance of maintaining essential non-emergency duties and operations throughout the emergency
19. When and how to inform your team that the emergency is over and return to normal operations
Emergency phases:
a) Uncertainty
b) Alert
c) Distress
Necessary parties include:
a) Colleagues
b) Other airport/airfield departments
c) Contractors
d) Airlines
e) Customers
f) Passengers
g) Visitors
h) Emergency services
Emergency classifications:
a) Local Standby
b) Full Emergency
c) Aircraft Accident
Threat categories:
a) red
b) amber
c) green
The range of airport emergencies and procedures includes:
a) Flight emergencies
b) Vehicle accident
c) Fire
d) Major fuel/chemical spill
e) Hi-jack
f) Terrorist threat
g) Explosion
h) Medical emergency
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Emergency Procedures Information Centre
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
emergency, airport, airfield, emergency exercises, alarm