Carry out a technical assessment of the aviation security equipment

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Ground Security Operations
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about carrying out a technical assessment of the aviation security equipment which will require carrying out tests and checks to the equipment and analysing the results. The tests and checks may include using a variety methods and techniques and at all times you will follow your organisation’s procedures for health and safety. The tests and checks may vary depending on the type of equipment used.

This standard is for aviation ground security supervisors.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Carry out a technical assessment of the aviation security equipment

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Identify the aviation security equipment, and the tests and checks required for the technical assessment 2. Carry out the tests and checks of the aviation security equipment in line with your organisation’s procedures 3. Analyse the results of the tests and checks to complete the technical assessment 4. Record the results of the technical assessment of the aviation security equipment in line with your organisation's procedures 5. Maintain your own, customers’ and colleagues’ health, safety and welfare when carrying out a technical assessment of the aviation security equipment 6. Identify the action required when the results of the technical assessment indicate the aviation security equipment is not operating within normal parameters 7. Implement contingency plans in the event of aviation security equipment malfunction or failure 8. Complete and store aviation security equipment technical assessment documentation in line with organisational procedures and relevant legal requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. The importance of carrying out regular technical assessments of aviation security equipment and the implications of not doing so 2. The types of aviation security equipment, maintenance schedule and associated tests and checks which may be carried out and recorded in line with your organisation’s procedures 3. The types of defects, variations and misuse that could occur to the aviation security equipment and their implications 4. The correct mode of operation of the aviation security equipment 5. The methods and techniques for carrying out tests and checks including obtaining any previous information, if applicable 6. How and when tests and checks cannot be carried out, and the alternative actions which can be taken 7. How to analyse the results of the tests and checks to complete the technical assessment 8. The action to take when the results of the technical assessment highlight aviation security equipment is not operating within normal parameters 9. Your organisation’s aviation security equipment contingency plans and when and how to implement them 10. Your organisation’s procedures and relevant legal requirements for completing and storing aviation security equipment technical assessment documentation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Your Organisation
This is the company you work for or are contracted to, or, if you are self-employed, the rules you have set for yourself to ensure that you comply with relevant legal requirements.

Organisation’s Procedures
These are the procedures your organisation has in place to ensure compliance to relevant rules, regulations, instructions, policies, procedures, legislation and laws relevant to the activity

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Security Occupations, Transport Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



Assessment, technical, test, check, security, equipment