Conduct a systematic security search in aviation
Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Ground Security Operations
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on:
This standard is about conducting systematic security searches in the aviation environment. This involves carrying out a manual search of a person or the search of a bag or other item in the presence of a person. At all times you will comply with your organisation’s procedures for health and safety.
This standard is for those undertaking aviation ground security activities.
When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Conduct a systematic security search in aviation
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Respond to the need to conduct a systematic security search according to the alarm or threat identified and parameters within which your organisation works
2. Obtain consent from the person who needs to be searched
3. Recognise the individuals’ needs with respect to culture, diversity and equality when carrying out the systematic security search
4. Conduct systematic security searches for prohibited or suspicious items in the presence of suitable witnesses as required
5. Maintain communication with colleagues prior to, during and after the systematic security search
6. Operate the required equipment to conduct systematic security searches in line with your organisation’s procedures
7. Conduct systematic security searches and further investigations in line with organisational procedures and identified threat or area of concern
8. Maintain your own, customers’ and colleagues’ health, safety and welfare when conducting systematic security searches in aviation
9. Seek assistance from your supervisor if necessary, when conducting systematic security searches
10. Conclude the systematic security search in line with your organisation procedures
11. Take the required action if you detect prohibited or suspicious items during a systematic security search
12. Respond to incidents in line with your organisation’s procedures and escalate findings to your supervisor as required
13. Complete systematic security search documentation as required in line with your organisation’s procedures
14. Maintain the security and confidentiality of the search and information relating to search procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. When a systematic security search is required
2. The different types of equipment that may be required for conducting systematic security searches
3. Your organisation’s procedures for obtaining permission to carry out a search
4. Why permission to carry out a search must be obtained
5. Your organisation’s procedures for when permission to carry out a search is denied
6. The different types of systematic security searches that may be required
7. Why and when searches are undertaken
8. The types of prohibited or suspect item(s) that could be detected
9. The methods of concealment and areas of concealment of prohibited or suspicious items
10. How to maintain your own, customers’ and colleagues’ health, safety and welfare when conducting systematic security searches in aviation
11. When to seek assistance from your supervisor when conducting systematic security searches
12. Your organisation’s procedures following the discovery of a prohibited or suspect item(s)
13. Your organisation’s procedures for dealing with incidents during systematic security searches
14. The importance of confirming completion of the search activities
15. Your organisation’s procedures for completing systematic security search documentation
16. The importance of maintaining the security and confidentiality of the search and information relating to search procedures
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
In the aviation security environment this includes any person who passes through or has the potential to pass through a defined aviation security area, examples could include internal customers such as colleagues, line manager, trainees or external customers such as passengers, suppliers, contractors, visitors, staff, compliance authorities etc.
Your Organisation**
This is the company you work for or are contracted to.
Organisation’s Procedures**
These are the procedures your organisation has in place to ensure compliance with relevant rules, regulations, instructions, policies, procedures, legislation and laws relevant to the activity.
Other Item(s)**
When stated in this unit, ‘other item(s)’ could mean, pushchair, wheelchair, walking aid, shoes, camera, laptop or anything else which may require a physical search
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Elementary Security Occupations, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
Security, physical, search, prohibited, suspect