Manage conflict situations in aviation security

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Ground Security Operations
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about managing conflict in aviation security. This involves being able to recognise potential conflict situations, diffusing the situation before it leads to conflict, supporting colleagues in conflict situations or taking action to deal with the conflict safely and securely according to organisational procedures.

This standard is for those undertaking aviation ground security activities.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:
• Manage conflict situations in aviation security

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Observe customers and identify potential conflict situations 2. Recognise situations that may / have the potential to result in conflict 3. Assist colleagues to manage conflict situations within the limits your job role 4. Identify the types of behaviours and actions that could lead to conflict situations with customers 5. Identify the risks to yourself and those in the vicinity of the conflict and assess the severity of the situation 6. Remain calm and take action to defuse and manage the conflict situation in line with your training, organisational procedures and your relevant legal responsibilities 7. Seek assistance from colleagues, airport personnel or emergency services to manage conflict situations that are outside the limits of your job role or training 8. Maintain your own personal safety and security, and that of others in the vicinity, while taking action to manage the conflict situation 9. Report and record the details of any conflict situation in line with your organisation's procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. The types of conflict situations that are likely to arise in airport security 2. The range of circumstances that could lead to conflict 3. The warning signs and indications of potential conflict 4. When and how to provide assistance to colleagues to manage conflict situations 5. How to carry out a conflict risk assessment 6. When and how to get help or advice when needed to manage conflict situations 7. The action you can take and are trained and authorised to take with regard to managing a conflict situation 8. Types of constructive verbal and body language, tone and behaviour you can take to defuse rather than ignite situations 9. Behaviour that can promote calmness and reassurance when managing a conflict situation 10. Your organisation's procedures for managing conflict situations, including any relevant legal requirements or codes of conduct 11. How to maintain your own personal safety and security, that of others and their property when managing conflict situations 12. Your organisation's procedures for reporting and recording conflict situations


Conflict situations may include:

a) Verbal abuse
b) Physical abuse
c) Offensive language
d) Actions that could cause danger to others
e) Actions that could cause damage to property

Circumstances may include:

a) Confusion
b) Panic
c) Disappointment
d) Annoyance
e) Disruption
f) Being ignored
g) Disagreements
h) Alcohol
i) Drugs
j) Cultural differences
k) Language barriers
l) Negative body language

Warning signs and indications may include:

a) Negative body language
b) Agitation
c) Raised voices
d) Sharp abrupt tone
e) Rude or inappropriate language or gestures
f) Crowds
g) Delays
h) Cancellations

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





In the aviation security environment this includes any person who passes through or has the potential to pass through a defined aviation security area, examples could include internal customers such as colleagues, line manager, trainees or external customers such as passengers, suppliers, contractors, visitors, staff, compliance authorities etc.

Your Organisation**
This is the company you work for or are contracted to

Organisation’s Procedures
These are the procedures your organisation has in place to ensure compliance to relevant rules, regulations, instructions, policies, procedures, legislation and laws relevant to the activity

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

People 1st

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Security Occupations, Transport Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



Aviation, ground, security, conflict, behaviour, customer