Communicate information in aviation security

Business Sectors (Suites): Aviation Ground Security Operations
Developed by: People 1st
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about communicating and presenting information to customers and colleagues, including technical information, in an aviation ground security environment. This also involves recording, storing, securing and maintaining the confidentiality of information. The information may come from within your organisation or from sources external to your organisation, such as stakeholders, suppliers, customers, clients, contractors, regulators and compliance authorities etc.

This standard is for those undertaking aviation ground security activities.

When you have completed this standard, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of and ability to:

• Communicate information in aviation security

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. Respond to information according to your allocated tasks following your organisational procedures 2. Seek assistance from colleagues where information received is unclear 3. Record, store and secure information in line with organisational procedures and current legislation 4. Communicate and present information to customers and colleagues in line with your organisation’s systems and procedures 5. Communicate in a way that is understood by customers and colleagues 6. Identify the types of resources to assist with communicating in a language other than your own  7. Maintain confidentiality of information according to your organisation’s procedures and data protection legislation at all times

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. Your organisation’s systems and procedures for communicating with customers and colleagues in aviation security  2. Your organisation’s procedures and your responsibilities for presenting, recording and storing information 3. The types of communication methods used within your organisation relevant to your role 4. The importance of tone, pace and volume and open body language when communicating with customers and colleagues 5. How to reword a question or explanation if your customer or colleague does not understand your original wording 6. The resources your organisation has in place to assist with communicating in a language other than your own 7. Your organisation’s procedures and relevant legal requirements relating to maintaining the confidentiality of information


Resources include:
a) Colleagues who speak the language 
b) Picture cards 
c) Arm gestures signals
d) Interpreters
e) Online translation tools
f) Translation apps

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Your Organisation**
This is the company you work for or are contracted to.

Organisation’s Procedures

These are the procedures your organisation has in place to ensure compliance with relevant rules, regulations, instructions, policies, procedures, legislation and laws relevant to the activity.


A sudden unforeseen occurrence needing immediate action

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Security Occupations, Transport Operations and Maintenance

SOC Code



Communicate, Information, language, gesture