Process - General
K1 The effects of the activities undertaken on the control panels in relation to the integrated process system and their functions
K2 Explain the relationship and communication between control panel/logic and field instrumentation
K3 The key differences between manual, auto and cascade control and their appropriate use
K4 How to assign alarm priorities (Low/Medium/High/Journal)
K5 Methods and limitations of normal flaring and cold flaring and appropriate use
K6 the concept of hazard assessment and process hazard analysis techniques that may be utilised (e.g SIL Ratings including LOPA and HAZOP)
K7 The principles of hydrocarbon hydrate formation – when/where it is expected to occur on your plant and what prevention and dispersion methods are available
K8 Use and location for sources of information and interpretation of drawings, procedures and manuals regarding the plant
K9 How to deal with plant production throughput (to include increase/decrease throughput, specified sequence, recommended rate)
K10 Control Room monitoring requirements and considerations when leak testing is being carried out
K11 How to monitor safety critical systems (to include flare and vent, emergency shut down, fire and gas) and when manual intervention is required
K12 Identify all relevant sources of energy to prime movers and how to confirm availability
K13 Properties of purging media and its effects on systems and/or instrumentation
K14 How to access and interpret operational instruction including authorisation
K15 The real and potential full plant shut down hazards (to include standby equipment operational, vents, noise, heat)
K16 How to carry out a planned full plant shutdown (including sequence of shut down, recommended rate of shut down)
K17 How/when to apply overrides, types of override and what permissions are required
K18 methods and limitations of full plant depressurisation/pressurisation, blowdown, temperature, relief systems, drains, flares, vents
Process -Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
K19 Plant layout of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process and it’s connection with other systems
K20 The composition and properties of feedstock (to include toxicity, flammability, specific gravity and temperature
K21 The effects of loss of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process and it’s re-instatement
K22 Utilities required for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process and the effects of the loss of a utility and it’s re-instatement
K23 How to identify and rectify faults on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process
K24 Types and causes of process upset conditions and the relevant actions to take when they occur
K25 The normal operating parameters and associated tolerances for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process
K26 The effects of changes in ambient conditions on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process
K27 What steady state conditions are required for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process
K28 The reactions taking place, conditions and effects of the changes on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) process
Safe Systems of Work*
K29 the implications of health, safety and environmental legislation
K30 interpreting operational requirements (e.g. policies, procedures, instructions, codes of practice, standards, schedules)
K31 the nature of information required (to include oral, written, equipment status, process status, handover reports
K32 work area hazards (to include spillages, uncontrolled emissions, h2s and other toxic substances, extreme weather conditions) and how to identify and control/minimise them and reduce risks to as low as reasonably practicable
K33 safe systems of work procedure
K34 consequences of emissions to the environment and procedures for dealing with spillages and uncontrolled emissions
Critical and Emergency Situations *
K35 critical conditions for the process and how to control and respond to them
K36 the effect and potential implications of loss of any critical process and its reinstatement
K37 the principles and effect of hydrocarbon hydrate formation, prevention and dispersion
K38 emergency response procedures for plant and location
K39 the operation and implications of the emergency shutdown (ESD) control systems