Manage safety and health hazards and risks, and environmental aspects and impacts

Business Sectors (Suites): Health, Safety and Environmental Management in the Extractive and Mineral Processing Industries
Developed by: MPQC
Approved on: 2019


What *is* *this* *standard* *about?*

Achievement of this standard demonstrates your competence in managing safety and health hazards and risks, and environmental aspects and impacts. You will be able to identify and classify risks and environmental impacts, in addition to managing and reviewing hazard and aspect control methods.

Who *is* *this* *standard* *for?*

This standard is applicable to anyone at a supervisory or managerial level approved or authorized to carry out this function.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. Use a range of information resources to assist you in your task
  2. Provide information about your task to all relevant persons within organisational timescales
  3. Carry out assessments of hazards, risks, aspects, and impacts

  4. Review data to classify safety and health risk, and environmental impact ratings

  5. Manage and review hazard and aspect control methods

  6. Establish and maintain accurate records and reports in line with regulations, legislation, company policies and procedure, and industry best practice

  7. Provide your results to all relevant persons within organisational timescales

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. Relevant regulation, legislation, industry best practice, and company policies and procedures

  2. The definitions of relevant terminology 

  3. What defines a hazard, risk, aspect, and impact in your place of work
  4. Where to find internal and/or external information relating to your task
  5. Methods for the analyse and interpretation of data
  6. The benefits of (and consequences of not) adequately identifying and reducing risks and impacts
  7. The implications of impacts and risks to different stakeholders and situations
  8. The responsibilities of all stakeholders, including yourself, for safety, health, and the environment
  9. Different methodologies and techniques for risk and impact assessments including high-risk activities

  10. Routine hazards encountered and the methodologies for controlling them

  11. Environmental aspects and significant impacts relating to the areas of the company's operation under your control

  12. How to manage and review the control of safety and health hazards and risks, and environmental aspects and impacts, in order to mitigate risk
  13. The particular relevance of health risks
  14. The implementation of risk and impact control procedures
  15. Safe systems of work and permits to work
  16. The principles of, and practical solutions for emergency response
  17. The personnel who should see the results from your activity/task, observing necessary confidentiality


Scope Performance

Information resources: 

Should be reliable and verifiable, and be from internal and/or external sources

Scope Knowledge

Terminology, such as:

  • Regulations and policy
  • Hazard and Risk
  • Aspect and Impact
  • QNJAC (Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee)
  • PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations)
  • LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations)
  • HSE (Health and Safety Executive)
  • Environmental agency
  • COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)
  • RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)
  • SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bounded)
  • CPD (Continual Professional Development)





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Environmental Consultant, Environmental Health Officer, Environmental Management Officer, Environmental Manager, Environmental Policy Officer, Health and Safety Managers, Manager in Mineral processing and related occupations, Manager in Mining, Manager in Precast or Prestressed concrete and related trades

SOC Code



SHE; Health; Safety; Environmental; MPQC