Manage disaster recovery and continuity planning in workplace and facilities services

Business Sectors (Suites): Workplace and Facilities Services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out your work in accordance with the current environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of the organisation, including business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  2. identify your personal responsibilities and liabilities for the management of disaster recovery and business continuity under the current legislation and the organisation's disaster recovery and business continuity policies
  3. communicate with all those involved in, or affected by, your work within your area of responsibility on disaster recovery and business continuity issues in relation to facilities and workplace services
  4. make use of specialist expertise in relation to disaster recovery and continuity planning
  5. develop a partnership with the organisation's decision-makers to address all recovery aspects of business functionality in relation to facilities and workplace services
  6. confirm that a process is in place for identifying hazards and assessing risks in your area of responsibility and that prompt action is taken to eliminate or control identified hazards and risks
  7. confirm that processes are in place for monitoring, measuring, implementing, testing and reporting on disaster recovery and business continuity in your area of responsibility in compliance with the organisation's business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  8. demonstrate continuous improvement in your area of responsibility in relation to disaster recovery and business continuity and make recommendations for future opportunities
  9. make disaster recovery and business continuity a priority area in terms of informing, planning and decision making in your area of responsibility
  10. confirm that your own actions reinforce the messages in the organisation's disaster recovery and business continuity policies
  11. confirm that resources are allocated across your area of responsibility to deal with disaster recovery and business continuity issues considering business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  12. complete records as required by the current legislation and procedures of your organisation
  13. confirm that the organisation operates within the current legal requirements and social responsibilities

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. your responsibilities under the current environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and policies of the organisation relating to disaster recovery and continuity planning, in line with the organisation's business efficiencies and sustainability practices
  2. why disaster recovery and business continuity are important in workplace and facilities services
  3. your personal responsibilities and liabilities for the management of disaster recovery and business continuity under disaster recovery and business continuity regulations and policies
  4. the requirement for organisations to have a written disaster recovery and business continuity policy including business efficiencies and sustainable practices, and why this should inform planning and decision making
  5. how to communicate the requirements of the written disaster recovery and business continuity policy to all those involved in, or affected by, workplace and facilities services
  6. how and when to review the written process in the disaster recovery and business continuity policy statement in your area of responsibility and provide outcomes to inform development
  7. where to find sources of specialist expertise in relation to disaster recovery and business continuity used in your area of responsibility
  8. the type of hazards and risks that may arise in relation to disaster recovery and business continuity in your area of responsibility
  9. how to establish and use a process for identifying hazards and assessing risks in your area of responsibility and the actions that should be taken to control or eliminate them
  10. how to establish processes for monitoring, measuring and reporting on disaster recovery and business continuity in your area of responsibility
  11. the type of resources required to deal with disaster recovery and business continuity issues
  12. disaster recovery and business continuity risks, issues and developments that are particular to workplace and facilities services in the sectors involved
  13. the operational plans for your area of responsibility, the records that need to be kept and the importance of completing them in accordance with the current legislation and procedures of the organisation
  14. the resources allocated to and across your area of responsibility for you to manage disaster recovery and business continuity planning
  15. the allocated responsibilities for disaster recovery and business continuity in your area and the organisation in general
  16. the process in place for monitoring, measuring and reporting on disaster recovery and business continuity performance in your area of responsibility
  17. the responsibility of managing disaster recovery and business continuity for workplace and facilities services in accordance with the current legal requirements and social responsibilities


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Business efficiencies
This relates to the sustainable management of resources such as water, energy efficiency and waste management in line with the organisation's business efficiency policies which aim at improving operational efficiency.  In business, efficiency refers to the production of goods or the offering of services by using the smallest amount or resources, such as capital, energy, etc. Efficient businesses can create products, offer services and accomplish their overall goals with the minimum effort, expense or waste.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery involves a set of policies, tools and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster. Disaster recovery focuses on the systems supporting critical business functions, as opposed to business continuity, which involves keeping all essential aspects of a business functioning despite significant disruptive events. Disaster recovery can therefore be considered as a subset of business continuity.
Business Continuity (BC) is defined as the capability of the organisation to continue to deliver products or services at acceptable predefined levels following a disruptive incident.

Operational performance
An organisation's performance can be measured against a standard or prescribed indicator of effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental responsibility such as, time, productivity, waste reduction, and regulatory compliance.

Social responsibilities
Social responsibilities refer to a type of self-regulatory business plan and the efforts made by a company to improve society and contribute towards sustainable development. It describes initiatives run by a business to evaluate and take responsibility for their impact on issues ranging from human rights to the environment.
The business plan will focus on achieving economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders involved (employees, consumers, investors and other groups). The purpose of it is to encourage businesses to conduct their companies in an ethical manner and work towards having a more positive impact on society through ensuring sustainable growth.

Sustainable practices

Sustainable business practices are characterised by environmentally friendly practices initiated by an organisation for the purposes of becoming more sustainable. Organisations aim to reduce their environmental footprint through initiatives that cut down on waste, poor environmental stewardship and unethical environmental practices that offer a reduced level of sustainability within the organisation's policies and practices.
Sustainable business practices differ among industries and are often specific to the type of organisation and the product or service it produces or provides.

Workplace and facilities services
Workplace and facilities services is "the organisational function which integrates people, place and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business." Workplace and facilities services professionals are responsible for services that enable and support business performance.
All organisations have responsibilities under current health, safety and welfare regulations to ensure the daily health, safety and welfare of their employees. This includes ensuring provisions are made for:

Workplace and facilities services (soft services)
•        Soft services are ones that make the workplace more pleasant
           or secure to work in.

Examples of soft services are cleaning, catering, security.

Facilities Management (hard services)
•        Hard services are ones that relate to the physical fabric of the 
         building and cannot be removed. They ensure the safety and 
         welfare of employees and generally are required by law.

Examples of hard services are plumbing, heating and lighting.

Hard services are covered in the Facilities Management suite

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Asset Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estates Manager, Property Manager, Workplace and Facilities Services Manager, Facilities Manager, Workplace Services Manager, Soft Services Manager, Asset Manager, Landlord, Head of Facilities

SOC Code



facilities management; workplace services; business efficiency; sustainable practices; disaster recovery; continuity planning