Manage assets and the maintenance strategy for workplace and facilities services

Business Sectors (Suites): Workplace and Facilities Services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2020


This standard covers managing assets and the maintenance strategy for workplace and facilities services. It is about implementing and overseeing a process of planned maintenance, including developing, retaining and updating the maintenance strategy of the organisation.
This standard also covers the monitoring of Key Performance Indicators, recording the outcomes, and controlling works with the aim of meeting targets and reducing risks. It is important to confirm compliance with systems, policies and procedures including business efficiencies and sustainable practices.
It is important that you know and understand your responsibilities under the current environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and policies of the organisation.
This standard is applicable to those who deliver workplace and facilities services, this can be to an internal client (within your organisation) or to an external client, both are referred to as the “organisation” within this standard.
Managers at this level will be required to drive workplace and facilities services within the organisation.
This standard has links to the standards suite Facilities Management and the standards suite Management and Leadership managed by Instructus.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out your work in accordance with the current environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of the organisation, including business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  2. develop and gain approval for a maintenance strategy that incorporates planning, recording, monitoring, auditing, tracking and controlling asset maintenance, in line with the current legal requirements
  3. establish and confirm a system for identifying and managing the risks in different maintenance schedules
  4. confirm that records, including the computerised facilities management systems, are kept up to date and in line with current legal requirements and policies of the organisation
  5. confirm that priorities and risks are identified in the organisation's business continuity plan and business efficiency and sustainable practices
  6. identify opportunities to improve energy management measures in line with the current legal requirements, best practice and the organisation's business efficiencies and sustainable practices 
  7. implement a planned maintenance programme for assets
  8. manage regular reviews and inspections of assets and confirm that maintenance is carried out according to maintenance schedules and the current legal requirements
  9. use the findings from reviews and energy performance to inform the monitoring of Key Performance Indicators
  10. identify areas for improvement or action in maintenance schedules
  11. record monitoring outcomes in the required format and report as required
  12. control works and projects with the aim of meeting Key Performance Indicators and minimising risks
  13. assess costs, risks and opportunities of the planned actions to achieve best value in asset management
  14. confirm that the organisation operates within the current legal requirements and social responsibilities

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. your responsibilities under the current environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and policies of the organisation, including business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  2. the current regulatory and legal requirements for the maintenance of assets
  3. the organisation's business objectives, policies and priorities, including business efficiencies and sustainable practices
  4. the organisation's portfolio of property and facilities and other assets relevant to the delivery of workplace and facilities services
  5. the importance of how to complete and manage the inventory of assets, and where to find this
  6. the intended function of the assets and the organisation's expectations of them
  7. the energy management requirements within the overall workplace and facilities services strategy confirming they are in line with and supportive of the organisation's business efficiencies and sustainable practice policies
  8. how to review the maintenance strategy and identify areas for improvement
  9. the maintenance schedules required to meet the maintenance strategy
  10. the maintenance risks and opportunities and their possible impacts on business continuity
  11. the importance of documenting the risks and opportunities in the organisation's business continuity plan
  12. the costs, risks and benefits of the planned actions and on the basis of whole life costing
  13. how to calculate lifecycle costs and why it is important to take these into consideration when overseeing works and maintenance
  14. the procedures and systems for implementing a planned maintenance programme
  15. the key responsibilities for implementing maintenance schedules
  16. how to develop an inspection schedule and what it should contain
  17. the information that should be collected from the monitoring activities in line with the current legal requirements
  18. how information from monitoring and inspection activities is used to monitor Key Performance Indicators
  19. how to analyse the findings of Key Performance Indicators monitoring to identify areas for improvement or action in maintenance schedules
  20. the organisation's procedures for recording and reporting the outcomes of monitoring activities in line with the current legal requirements
  21. the corrective action that can be taken to improve performance in meeting Key Performance Indicators
  22. the impact of failures within the Key Performance Indicator system against the cost implication on the payment mechanism of a contractual agreement
  23. the controls available to manage identified risks to the provision of maintenance
  24. how to control costs and what is considered best value
  25. how to report the findings of monitoring activities to those involved and affected
  26. your responsibility for managing workplace and facilities services in accordance with the current legal requirements and social responsibilities


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Business Continuity Plan
Business continuity planning is the process involved in creating a system of prevention and recovery from potential threats to an organisation. The plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and can function quickly in the event of a disaster. The plan is generally conceived in advance and involves input from key stakeholders and personnel.
The plan involves defining all risks that can affect the organisations operations, making it an important part of the organisation's disaster recovery and contingency planning policies. Risks may include natural disasters, fire, flood, or other weather-related events and terror or cyber-attacks.

Business efficiencies
This relates to the sustainable management of resources such as water, energy efficiency and waste management in line with the organisation's business efficiency policies, which aim at improving operational efficiency.  In business, efficiency refers to the production of goods or the offering of services by using the smallest amount or resources, such as capital, energy, etc. Efficient businesses can create products, offer services and accomplish their overall goals with the minimum effort, expense or waste.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
A key performance indicator (KPI) is a value used to monitor and measure the effectiveness of an organisation, employee or process in meeting set objectives.

Operational performance
An organisation's performance can be measured against a standard or prescribed indicator of effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental responsibility such as, time, productivity, waste reduction, and regulatory compliance.

Social responsibilities
Social responsibilities refer to a type of self-regulatory business plan and the efforts made by a company to improve society and contribute towards sustainable development. It describes initiatives run by a business to evaluate and take responsibility for their impact on issues ranging from human rights to the environment.
The business plan will focus on achieving economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders involved (employees, consumers, investors and other groups).
The purpose of it is to encourage businesses to conduct their companies in an ethical manner and work towards having a more positive impact on society through ensuring sustainable growth.

Sustainable practices
Sustainable business practices are characterised by environmentally friendly practices initiated by an organisation for the purposes of becoming more sustainable. Organisations aim to reduce their environmental footprint through initiatives that cut down on waste, poor environmental stewardship and unethical environmental practices that offer a reduced level of sustainability within the organisation's policies and practices.
Sustainable business practices differ among industries and are often specific to the type of organisation and the product or service it produces or provides.

Whole life costing
Whole life costing considers the total cost of a product or service over its lifetime, from concept through to disposal including purchase, hire or lease, maintenance, operation, utilities, training and disposal. It is important for procurement to take all these elements into consideration particularly when making decisions and comparing the costs of buying, renting or leasing equipment. In most cases the purchase costs are only a small proportion of the cost of operation.

Workplace and facilities services
Workplace and facilities services is "the organisational function which integrates people, place and process within the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business." Workplace and facilities services professionals are responsible for services that enable and support business performance.
All organisations have responsibilities under current health, safety and welfare regulations to ensure the daily health, safety and welfare of their employees. This includes ensuring provisions are made for:
Workplace and facilities services (soft services)
•     Soft services are ones that make the workplace more pleasant or 

      secure to work in.  

 Examples of soft services are cleaning, catering, security.

* Facilities Management (hard services)*
•     Hard services are ones that relate to the physical fabric of the 

      building and cannot be removed. They ensure the safety and
       welfare of employees and generally are required by law.

Examples of hard services are plumbing, heating and lighting. 

Hard services are covered in the Facilities Management suite

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Asset Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estates Manager, Property Manager, Workplace and Facilities Services Manager, Facilities Manager, Workplace Services Manager, Soft Services Manager, Asset Manager, Landlord, Head of Facilities

SOC Code



facilities management; workplace services; business efficiency; sustainable practices; business continuity