Administer environmental legislation LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Treework
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2017


This standard is about the administration of environmental legislation. This might be within a local government planning office or other specialist organisation that has this responsibility and decision-making authority.

You must be able to work within the relevant legislative framework and to consult with colleagues and specialists as needed, to achieve an outcome.

You must be aware of the importance of flora and fauna to the environment.

This standard relates to preservation and conservation orders, felling licenses, environmental, amenity and habitat protection, etc. as well as planning restrictions relating to conservation orders.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. develop a process to administer environmental legislation related to applications and enquiries
  2. keep records to identify and record the stages in the process
  3. seek appropriate permissions where inspections need to be carried out
  4. ensure the process follows the required timescales for implementation
  5. liaise with other departments, colleagues and authorities, as necessary
  6. ensure that documentation meets the necessary statutory requirements
  7. deal with any appeals according to statutory requirements
  8. deal with applications to carry out work within the necessary timescales
  9. seek advice and support where necessary or appropriate

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the need to have an effective system for documenting processes for administering environmental legislation
  2. the importance of keeping accurate and complete records
  3. the importance of arranging access for site inspections with appropriate the people
  4. the need to involve the relevant authorities who grant consent or permission
  5. the importance of completing documentation to meet the requirements of the relevant environmental legislation
  6. the statutory requirements and procedures for appeals
  7. the timescales involved in administering the environmental legislation
  8. the sources of information and advice when clarification is needed
  9. the implications and importance of data protection legislation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Relevant authorities: Planning Officers, the Forestry Commission and government departments, as appropriate to the legislation, and appropriate the organisations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Tree protection documentation processes: Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas, felling licenses, environmental protection, amenity protection, habitat protection

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations


SOC Code



Treework; trees; legislation; environmental; protection