Implement a livestock health programme
Business Sectors (Suites): Livestock Production
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard cover implementing a livestock health programme.
Maintaining the health and welfare of all livestock is key to their performance and therefore effective establishment and implementation of a livestock health programme is essential if the enterprise is to be successful and profitable.
The livestock health programme must be established and implemented in accordance with relevant animal welfare legislation, codes of practice, guidance from animal welfare organisations and organistional requirements or policies
This standard is suitable for a farmer or herds person.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm that work is carried out in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and organistional policies
- identify and confirm the availability of the resources required to implement the livestock health programme
- implement systems to manage the livestock health programme
- implement the use of technologies contained within the livestock health programme
- communicate the livestock health programme to all those involved in, or affected by your work
- confirm that livestock are monitored for identifiable disease in accordance with the livestock health programme
- confirm that the livestock you are working with have access to suitable environmental conditions in accordance with the livestock health programme
- implement relevant treatments to livestock in accordance with the livestock health programme
- confirm that any relevant vaccination or immunisations are up-to-date and where required implemented in accordance with the livestock health programme
- monitor and confirm that hygiene and bio-security measures are established and maintained in accordance with organistional practices and relevant legislation
- monitor, review and recommend amendments to the livestock health programme where necessary
- manage waste in accordance with relevant legislation and organistional practice
- select, wear and maintain clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) relevant to the activity
- confirm compliance with relevant animal welfare legislation, codes of practice, farm quality assurance, organisational policies and objectives
- confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by relevant legislation, quality assurance schemes and organisational policies
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organistional policies
the resources and technology required for implementing the livestock health programme
- the importance of maintaining communication with those involved in, or affected by, your work and how this should be done
- the key elements of livestock health and welfare requirements within the livestock production system you are working with
- the key components of a livestock health programme
the current health status of your livestock and how to manage any existing disease, disorder etc. including the requirements for the isolation of livestock - the implications of using treatments on livestock including withdrawal periods and resistance to build up
- how environmental conditions can impact on the health and welfare of livestock
- the livestock health and welfare management systems that prevent and control the likelihood of diseases, disorders and other animal health and welfare issues
- the relevant vaccinations or immunisations required by the livestock you are working with and how to implement them according to the livestock health programme
- the methods of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the reasons why this is important
- the importance of monitoring and reviewing the livestock health programme and where required recommending amendments
- how to handle, transport, store and dispose of different types of waste in accordance with relevant legal requirements and organistional practices
- your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organisational practices
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity
- the relevant animal health and welfare legislation, codes of practice, farm quality assurance, organisational policies and objectives
- the records that need to be kept in relation implementing the livestock health programme and the importance of completing
- them in accordance with relevant organisational codes of practice and legislation
obtain the following resources to implement the livestock health programme:
accommodation (indoor/outdoor)
Implement a livestock health programme for the following:
newly purchased livestock
calving/lambing/farrowing livestock
newly weaned calves/lambs/piglets
returning livestock
Implement disease and infection control measures in accordance
with the livestock health programme:
anthelmentics (internal)
anthelmentics (external)
Provide the following treatments when implementing a livestock health programme:
tail docking
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
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Relevant Occupations
SOC Code
animal; health; welfare; livestock;