Collect and store livestock semen for future use

Business Sectors (Suites): Livestock Production
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2019


This standard covers the collection and storage of livestock semen for future use. It does not include the collection of semen for re-sale purposes as carried out by specialist operators. This standard covers identifying livestock suitable to be used for breeding purposes, collecting the semen, assessing the quality and storing it appropriately. The methods used for collecting the semen must be suitable for the type and breed of livestock involved. When working with livestock or machinery you should be trained and hold current certification, where required. The standard is suitable for those who collect, prepare and store livestock semen for future use.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. assess the risks associated with the activity to be carried out

    1. wear suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)

    2. select, prepare, use, maintain and store the required tools,

    equipment and materials, safely and correctly

    1. maintain hygiene and bio-security in accordance with business


    1. confirm that the work area is safe and suitable for the collection of


    1. identify, prepare and handle suitable livestock in a way that is

    likely to maintain your own safety, minimise livestock stress and

    maximise the yield and quality of the semen

    1. make the necessary adjustments to working methods and

    equipment throughout the process

    1. collect semen using recognised methods

    2. confirm that the semen collected is of the correct quality and

    quantity for future use, and take action when it fails to meet

    production specifications

    1. return livestock to their living environment safely

    2. handle semen using the appropriate methods

    3. label storage containers clearly and accurately and place them in

    the correct location

    1. store semen at the correct temperature for future use, in

    accordance with production specifications

    1. maintain communication with colleagues and others involved in,

    or affected by, your work

    1. carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental

    and health and safety legislation, animal health and welfare

    legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and

    business policies

    1. confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by

    relevant legislation and the business

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to identify hazards and assess risks

    1. the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)

    suitable for the activity

    1. the types of tools, equipment and materials required and how to

    prepare, maintain, use and store these safely and correctly

    1. the importance of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the

    methods for achieving this

    1. why some males are unsuitable for breeding purposes and how to

    identify livestock unsuitable for the collection of semen

    1. the methods of safely preparing livestock for the collection of


    1. the ways to reduce stress in livestock

    2. the types of adjustments to the process for the collection and

    storage of livestock semen that may be required

    1. the methods for assessing the condition of the semen

    2. the actions to be taken when semen does not meet production


    1. how semen should be handled and stored to maintain quality

    2. the ways in which semen must be labelled for future use

    3. the importance of maintaining communication with those involved

    in, or affected by, your work and how this should be done

    1. your responsibilities for the welfare of livestock under relevant

    animal health and welfare legislation, codes of practice and

    business policies

    1. your responsibilities under current environmental and health and

    safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of

    practice and business policies

    1. the records that need to be kept and the importance of completing



Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Agricultural Technician, Farm Manager, Farmer

SOC Code



Livestock; Animal; Reproduction; Semen; Artificial insemination; Ai