Monitor and maintain the incubation of eggs
This standard covers monitoring and maintaining the incubation of eggs in hatchery production. The system could be manual or mechanical. You are likely to have overall responsibility for this part of production and be supported in this capacity by other workers. You will require considerable knowledge and practical skills and must be capable of identifying and resolving any problems that occur. When working with livestock or machinery you should be trained and hold current certification, where required. This standard is suitable for those with responsibility for monitoring and maintaining the incubation of eggs.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
assess the risks associated with the activity to be carried out
- confirm that suitable clothing and personal protective equipment
(PPE) is worn
- confirm that the tools, equipment and materials required are
selected, prepared, used and maintained, safely and correctly
- monitor and maintain the incubation areas to ensure they are
clean, safe and ready for use
monitor the system for selecting eggs for incubation
monitor the selection of eggs for incubation, in accordance with
set times and the hatchery plan
monitor the loading of eggs into the incubator
monitor and maintain the incubator alarm system to ensure it is
working correctly and take the appropriate action if it is not
- monitor and maintain the environmental conditions within the
incubator, in accordance with production requirements
- check egg fertility at the correct intervals and the take the
appropriate action based on the interpretation of the results
- confirm that eggs are selected for transfer and hatching in
accordance with production requirements
- maintain communication with colleagues and others involved in
the work
- maintain hygiene and bio-security, in accordance with business
- manage waste safely and correctly, in accordance with relevant
legislation and business practices
- carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental
and health and safety legislation, animal health and welfare
legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and
business policies
- confirm that records are maintained and stored as required by
relevant legislation and the business
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
how to identify hazards and assess risks
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
suitable for the activity
- the types of tools, equipment and materials required and how to
prepare, use, maintain and store these safely and correctly
- the production requirements and standards required for incubation
and hatching
- the timing requirements of the incubation system, what may affect
these and the required remedial actions
- the ways in which eggs must be loaded into the incubator, the
reasons for this, and the implications of not loading eggs properly
- the purpose of functioning alarms and how they are monitored
and maintained
- the correct environmental conditions required within the incubator,
how these are monitored and maintained and the necessary
adjustments to the system that may be required
- the types of problems that may occur during the incubation of
eggs and the required action to take
the implications of system failure
the methods and correct intervals to check the fertility of eggs,
how this information is used and the action to take when problems
- when the eggs are ready for transfer and how the transfer is
carried out
- when and to whom information should be forwarded and why
deadlines must be met
- the importance of maintaining communication with those involved
in your work and how this should be done
- the importance of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the
methods for achieving this
- the importance of meeting relevant food safety and industry
quality assurance standards
- how to handle, transport, store and dispose of waste, in
accordance with relevant legal and business practices
- your responsibilities for the welfare of birds under relevant animal
health and welfare legislation and codes of practice
- your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and
safety legislation, codes of practice and business policies
- the methods of stock control, record keeping and reporting used
by the business