Prepare, load and incubate eggs

Business Sectors (Suites): Livestock Production
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2019


This standard covers preparing, loading and incubating eggs for hatching in accordance with instructions. When working with livestock or machinery you should be trained and hold current certification, where required. This standard is suitable for those who prepare, load and incubate eggs.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. be aware of hazards associated with the activity to be carried out

    1. wear suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)

    2. select, prepare, use and maintain the required tools, equipment

    and materials, safely and correctly

    1. prepare the incubation area and environment safely, in

    accordance with instructions

    1. load eggs into the incubator correctly, in accordance with


    1. assist in checking the incubator alarm system

    2. incubate eggs in accordance with instructions

    3. monitor incubation and report any faults with the incubator

    environment, in accordance with instructions

    1. assist with checking egg fertility at the required intervals, in line

    with business requirements

    1. select eggs for hatching and transfer them using the correct

    methods, in accordance with instructions

    1. maintain communication with colleagues and others involved in

    your work

    1. maintain hygiene and bio-security, in accordance with


    1. process waste safely and correctly, in accordance with


    1. carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental

    and health and safety legislation, animal health and welfare

    legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and

    business policies

    1. complete records as required by the relevant legislation and the


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the hazards associated with preparing, loading and incubating


    1. the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)

    suitable for the activity

    1. the types of tools, equipment and materials required and how to

    prepare, use, maintain and store them safely and correctly

    1. the methods of preparing the incubation area and environment

    2. the timing requirements of the incubation system

    3. the ways in which eggs should be loaded into the incubator

    4. the methods and reasons for monitoring the incubator


    1. the indications that the incubator environment requires adjustment

    and the action to take in this case

    1. the use of alarms and the actions to be taken in the event of an

    alarm sounding

    1. the methods of checking the fertility of eggs

    2. how to identify that the eggs are ready for transfer

    3. the limits of your responsibility for preparing, loading and

    incubating eggs

    1. the importance of maintaining communication with those involved

    in your work and how this should be done

    1. the importance of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the

    methods for achieving this

    1. the importance of meeting relevant food safety and industry

    quality assurance standards

    1. how to process the different types of waste produced by the


    1. your responsibilities for the welfare of birds under relevant animal

    health and welfare legislation and codes of practice

    1. your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and

    safety legislation, codes of practice and business policies

    1. the methods of stock control, record keeping and reporting used

    by the business


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Instructions: verbal or written

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Poultry Farm Worker

SOC Code



Poultry; Hen; Eggs; Turkey; Farm; Hatchery