Service and repair wheels and tracks on land-based equipment
Business Sectors (Suites): Land-based Engineering Operations
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard covers the service and repair of wheels and tracks on land-based equipment. It requires understanding of the types, construction, function and operation of land-based equipment employing wheels and tracks to transfer power to the ground, (e.g. track systems, wheels and tyres or ground drive systems).
This standard covers traction and the transfer of tractive power from a powered land-based vehicle to the ground through tyres or tracks including traction and tractive aids, (e.g. ballast, weight transfer, dual cage wheels, slip control or tyre track construction types and characteristics). Areas examined are tyre and track construction maintenance and repair, the capabilities and limitations of each and how traction can be improved.
When working with machinery or equipment you should be trained and hold current certification, where required, in accordance with the relevant legislation.
When working on high voltage (hazardous voltage/HaV) electric vehicles, de-energising must be done by a person who has been trained in accordance with the manufacturer’s procedures.
This standard is for those who work in land-based engineering under supervision.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- be aware of hazards and assess the risks associated with the activity and the location where it is to be carried out
- be aware of the potential environmental impact associated with the activity and the ways in which this can be controlled
- select and wear suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- select, prepare, use, maintain, and store the tools and equipment required to carry out the activity in accordance with the relevant legal requirements, manufacturer's instructions and company practices
- check that the land-based equipment requiring service and repair is safe, prepared and isolated from power sources, where required
- take the necessary precautions to prevent the escape of chemicals, gases and other substances and minimise dangers from contamination and hazards, where required
- use a variety of methods to collect diagnostic information to identify defects and faults
- determine the requirements for service and repair
- identify and establish the availability of replacement components required for the activity
- remove and replace wheel/track assemblies and their related components on land-based equipment
- dismantle, assess and reassemble wheeled/tracked systems and their running gear for serviceability in line with the manufacturers’ specifications and standards
- remove and replace worn and damaged components in accordance with instructions and specifications
- service/repair and reinstate wheeled/tracked systems on land-based equipment
- adjust, attach or remove aids to achieve stability and greater tractive effort
- recognise and rectify faults relating to wheels, tyres, tracks and traction
- confirm that equipment is correctly set or calibrated following service and repair
- use suitable testing methods to assess the performance of the reassembled system on completion of the activity and confirm that it performs to operating specifications prior to returning the equipment to the customer
- recycle or sustainably dispose of the different types of waste, including hazardous and non-hazardous, caused by the activity, in accordance with instructions and the relevant legal and environmental requirements
- complete records as required by the relevant legislation, warranty requirements and company procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to identify hazards and assess risks when preparing to service and repair land-based equipment
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity
- the tools and equipment required to carry out the activity and how to select, prepare, use, maintain and store these safely and correctly, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and company practices
- the relevant legal requirements for the preparation and use of work equipment
- how land-based equipment should be prepared for service and repair
- the dangers created by stored energy and how to respond to these during the preparation stage
- the hazardous chemicals, gases and other substances that may be present and how they should be dealt with
- the different methods that can be used for the assessment of defects and faults with wheels and tracks on land-based equipment and for the identification of the root cause
- the typical defects and faults that occur with wheels and tracks on land-based equipment
- the factors that determine whether it is worthwhile carrying out the service and repair, such as cost, estimated working life or urgent need for the equipment
- the components required for the service and repair and the company procedures for obtaining replacements
- the types, construction and operating principles of wheeled and/or tracked systems and their running gear
- the methods of dismantling, servicing/repairing and reassembling wheeled and/or tracked systems and their running gear
- the types, construction and applications of wheels, tyres tracks and tractive aids
- the implications of weight distribution/transfer/ballast, on tractive performance
- the implications of legislation and legal responsibilities on wheeled or tracked equipment
- the relationship between front axle lead and tractive power and how to calculate front axle lead
- how to carry out physical checks to confirm inter-axle mechanical ratios and the suitability of tyre combinations
- the methods for setting or calibrating equipment following maintenance or repair
- the relationship between tyre pressures, weight carrying capacity and ground pressure
- the methods of testing equipment on completion of the activity to confirm that it performs in line with the operating specifications prior to returning it to the customer
- how to recycle or sustainably dispose of the different types of waste, including hazardous and non-hazardous, caused by the activity, in accordance with instructions and the relevant legal and environmental requirements
- the potential impact that the activity could have on the environment and the ways in which this can be controlled
- the information that needs to be recorded, the company procedure for maintaining records and the requirements of data protection legislation
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Aids to achieve stability and greater tractive effort e.g. tyre pressure, dual wheels, cage wheels, liquid ballast and weights, tyre pressure control and inflation systems
Faults relating to tyres, tracks and traction e.g. torque wind up, rim/tyre creep, rim conformity, slippage, vibration and bouncing, punctures
Hazardous chemicals and substances could include:
• fuels
• oils
• fluids
• gases
• dust
• compressed air
Implications of weight distribution/transfer/ballast, on tractive performance e.g. excessive slip, slip control, ground pressure, stability, tyre pressures dual, cage wheels, liquid ballast, weights and variable loads (fertiliser spreader, extending arms, tankers)
Instructions and specifications:
• drawings/plans
• schedules
• method statements
• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• manufacturer’s instructions
• customer requirements
• verbal instructions
Legislative and/or legal responsibilities e.g. axle/tyre/gross loadings, escort vehicles, police notification and road or bridge restrictions
Methods of diagnosis:
• visual inspections
• functional and operational tests
• diagnostic equipment
• remote electronic control and monitoring systems
• reviewing technical data
Relationships between driven axles and tractive power e.g. PTO driven axles, land drive, inter-axle ratios and correct tyre combinations for 4-wheel drive vehicles with unequal size drive wheels
Stored energy:
• springs
• belt tension
• hydraulic pressure
• electrical discharge
• accumulator discharge
Types, construction and applications of wheels, tyres tracks and tractive aids e.g. size, ply rating, load index, speed rating, orientation, pressure/tension, ballasting, use of inner tubes
Links To Other NOS
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Land-based Engineering
SOC Code
wheels; tracks; tyres; land-based; equipment; machinery