Work safely in the land-based engineering work area
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- undertake a risk assessment for all work activities as required by the relevant health and safety legislation and company procedures
take the required action to minimise any identified health and safety risks
report and record any identified hazards and outline any action you have taken in accordance with the company health and safety procedures
communicate any health and safety precautions that are being applied in the work area to those entering the area
select and use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) required for the task
work in a way that minimises risks to your own health, safety and security and that of others who may be affected by your work, complying with the relevant health and safety legislation, codes of practice and company health and safety policy and procedures
recognise industrial processes, tools, equipment and materials that have the potential to cause harm
recognise the limits of your own competence and ask for help and advice when it is needed
adopt safe working practices to protect yourself against injury, work-related disease or other health problems
follow company procedures and safe systems of work when working alone or in a potentially hazardous situation
implement company procedures without delay in an emergency situation, taking care to minimise risk of personal and third-party injury
- follow shutdown and evacuation procedures and use warning systems and barriers, where required
- identify and use the relevant fire-fighting equipment where it is safe to do so
- take action to request assistance, inform those who need to know and complete the required records
- take the required actions to contain and clean up spillages or leaks
- recognise the work activities that could cause damage to the environment and use working practices that reduce that risk
- recognise, handle, use and store hazardous substances in accordance with the relevant legislation, manufacturers' data sheets and company procedures
- recycle or sustainably dispose of the different types of waste, including hazardous and non-hazardous, caused by the activity, in accordance with the relevant legal and environmental requirements and company policies
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- your personal, and the company’s, responsibilities under current health and safety legislation and codes of practice that relate to land-based engineering activities
- the company health and safety policy and procedures including reporting and recording
- the importance of continually checking for hazards and identifying risks in the land-based engineering work area
- the hierarchy of measures to control risks including elimination, substitution, relevant engineering controls, safe systems of work, training/instruction and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- the different types of personal protective equipment (PPE) and their uses
- the risks of injury, work-related disease or other health problems associated with your work and the safe working practices that can be adopted to protect against these
- the risks of working in isolation, in remote locations or potentially hazardous situations and the safe systems of work and company procedures that need to be followed
- how to recognise and interpret the meaning of international safety signs and warning symbols
- the types of emergencies that may occur in the land-based engineering work area and the action to take
- the company procedures for first aid, including the location of first aid equipment both on and off site and how to contact the first aider
- the evacuation procedures for your work area
- the different types of fires that could occur and how to apply the relevant fire-fighting equipment
- the relevant legislative requirements and company procedures for reporting and recording accidents, incidents and near misses
- the action to take to minimise the risk of personal and third-party injury, including the use of warning systems and barriers
- how to shut down and isolate equipment
- how to contain and clean up spillages and leaks
- the importance of protecting the environment from further damage
- the relevant legislation and codes of practice in relation to minimising damage to the environment
- how to use working practices that reduce the damage that your work activities could cause to the environment
- how to identify and classify a hazardous substance, and the methods and procedures for handling, using and storing hazardous substances safely
- how to recycle or sustainably dispose of the different types of waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, caused by the activity, in accordance with the relevant legal and environmental requirements and company policies
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- equipment - may be fixed or moveable
hazard - something that could cause harm to yourself or someone else, e.g.
- working on contaminated machinery
- working with substances hazardous to health
- removing and replacing guards
- removing fire, slip and trip hazards
- securing objects in danger of falling
- removing fumes, dust, hazardous gases and vapours
- releasing stored pressure
- working in elevated and confined conditions
- handling pressured gas cylinders and stored gases
- working with electricity
- lifting and moving loads
- bad lighting
- fumes
- spillages
- lone working
- fatigue
hazardous substances e.g. chemical cleaners, fuels, gases, lubricants, paints, thinners, battery acid, coolants
- risk - the likelihood of hazard actually causing harm