This standard is for those who identify and name plants using their botanical names.
This standard is for those responsible for working with plants, either in a growing or retail environment.
You must carry out your work in a way which will minimise the impact on the natural environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. locate and use accurate sources of information to correctly identify and name plants using their botanical names
2. use the binomial system to define accurately the terms used when identifying plants e.g. family, genus, species, cultivar, variety and hybrid
3. use a plant's characteristics to aid identification (including uses, habitat, anatomy and morphology)
4. identify non-invasive, non-native, invasive and protected plant species and act accordingly
5. handle the plants in manner which minimises damage
6. check the correct format is used when writing botanical names in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature
7. check that labels and other records are completed accurately
8. carry out your work in accordance with relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and
the purpose and importance of classifying plants using their botanical names
the terminology used in plant identification, classification and nomenclature e.g. family, genus, species, cultivar, variety and hybrid
the meaning of descriptive botanical names e.g. 'nana' and 'pendula'
plant characteristics and how they can aid identification
relevant reference sources e.g. Plant Finder, Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
non-invasive, non-native, invasive and protected species and what action to take if they are discovered
the safe working practices for handling plants
the requirements and restrictions relating to Plant Patent and Plant Breeders' Rights, the licensee organisations and Plant Breeders' Rights inspectorates
the importance of using the correct format when writing botanical names
the relevant plant recording and labelling systems
your responsibilities under relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organisational policies
A. use the following plant characteristics to aid identification
1. habit
2. leaves
3. stems
4. flowers
5. buds
B. identify and name plants botanically (from the following categories):
1. annuals and short-lived perennials
2. houseplants
3. herbaceous perennials
4. trees and shrubs
5. grasses
6. food crops
7. weeds
C. define terms relating to plant characteristics for the following:
1. monocotyledons
2. dicotyledons
3. evergreen
4. deciduous
5. hardy
6. tender
D. define terms relating to plant life cycles, e.g.:
1. annuals
2. biennials
3. herbaceous perennials
4. woody perennial
Relevant Occupations
Garden Centre Worker, Nursery Worker
plants; botanical names; non-native species; invasive species; protected species