Organise the collection and storage of propagation material
Business Sectors (Suites): Horticulture
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is for those who organise the collection and storage of propagation material. This includes a wide range of vegetative material derived from stock plants grown within the business. This will require considerable knowledge of the propagation process. It covers the planning, collection and storage of propagation material.
You will be working unsupervised and be capable of taking responsibility for propagation.
This standard covers the co-ordination of your own workload, in some instances it may involve co-ordinating the work of teams.
Propagation from vegetative methods is covered in H6 and propagation from seed is covered in H8.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. assess the risks associated with the site and the collection and storage of propagation material
2. identify plants from which material is to be collected in accordance with the specification
3. organise the timing of collection to maximise the success of the propagation activity and to meet the specification
4. confirm that suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) are worn
5. check that equipment is used and maintained in a safe and correct condition
6. determine the method for collecting the propagation material to meet the needs of the plant species and the propagation method
7. check that the working methods for collecting and storing propagation material are established and clearly communicated to all those involved in, or affected by, your work
8. identify and establish the availability of resources required for the collection and storage of propagation material
9. organise the processing of recycling or disposal of waste in accordance with relevant legal and organisational requirements
10. P10 confirm that hygiene and biosecurity are maintained in accordance with organisational practices
11. P11 check that plant material is handled in a manner which minimises damage and waste
12. P12 check that the collected propagation material meets the requirements of the specification and the propagation method
13. organise suitable facilities for the storage of collected propagation material
14. check that propagation material is labelled in accordance with the specification
15. complete records as required by relevant legislation and organisational requirements
16. confirm that work is carried out in accordance with relevant environmental and health and safety policies and risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. how to identify hazards and assess risks associated with collecting and storing propagation material
2. where and how to obtain information on plants and plant identification
3. the propagation materials from different types of plants which may be used for propagation
4. the types of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity
5. the equipment required for the job and how to confirm that it is used and maintained in a safe and correct condition and stored securely
6. the different propagation methods
7. the structure of plants relevant to propagation
8. the importance of the timing of different propagation activities for organising their collection and storage
9. methods of organising the collection of propagation material and factors which must be taken into account
10. how to establish and organise the resources required for carrying out the collection and storage of propagation materials
11. how to identify the suitability of storage facilities prior to the propagation activity
12. methods of collecting, handling and storing propagation material and the consequences of not doing so correctly
13. appropriate conditions for the storage of propagation material and the length of suitable storage
14. the importance of confirming that the propagation activity is completed in accordance with the specification
15. methods of maintaining hygiene and biosecurity and the reasons why it is important
16. the relevant legal and organisational requirements for the handling, transporting and disposal of waste
17. requirements for labelling propagation material
18. the importance of maintaining communication with those involved in, or affected by, your work and this should be done
19. the importance of following environmental and ecological best practice to help minimise the impact of your work on the environment
20. the records that need to be kept and the importance of completing them
21. your responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organisational policies
A. organise the following propagation methods:
1. cuttings
2. budding
3. grafting
4. micro-propagation
5. division
6. layering
B. use and maintain the following equipment:
1. cutting equipment
2. containers for storage and transport of material
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Instructions: verbal or written.
Propagation methods:
• cuttings (including soft wood, semi hardwood, hardwood and leaf cuttings)
• budding (including leaf budding)
• grafting
• micro-propagation
• division
• layering
Specifications: drawings, schedules, method statements, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), manufacturers' guidelines, customer requirements, organisational policies.
Links To Other NOS
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Gardener, Nursery Worker, Plant Propagator
SOC Code
plant; propagate; nursery; cutting; budding; grafting; propogation