Monitor and implement the provision of nutrients to crops or plants

Business Sectors (Suites): Crofting and Smallholding,Horticulture
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is for those who monitor and implement the provision of nutrients to crops or plants, outdoors or in protected conditions, including any setting, whether amenity horticulture (green roofs, parks and gardens, sports turf, etc.) or crop production (fruit, vegetables, trees, etc.).

This standard covers the co-ordination of your own workload and in some instances it may involve co-ordinating the work of teams.

You will require considerable knowledge of the principles of plant growth and development as well as plant health.

If you are working with machinery, equipment or chemicals you should be trained, and hold the current certification where required, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

When carrying out your work you must consider the impact it will have on the environment, and work towards preserving and improving habitats and biodiversity and responding to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. assess the risks associated with the site and the provision of nutrients to crops or plants
  2. confirm that suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn
  3. confirm that hygiene and bio-security are maintained in accordance with organisational practices
  4. confirm the methods for the provision of nutrients to crops or plants are established and clearly communicated to all those involved
  5. identify the availability of equipment and resources required for the provision of nutrients to crops or plants
  6. check that the tools and equipment for the provision of nutrients to crops or plants are used and maintained safely and correctly
  7. check that the recycling or disposal of waste and surplus material is carried out in accordance with the relevant legal and organisational requirements
  8. monitor the growth and development of the crops or plants, in accordance with specifications
  9. seek technical advice where necessary

  10. assess crop or plant conditions and identify the nutrients required, in accordance with specifications

  11. confirm that the storage, transport and preparation of nutrients is in accordance with the relevant legislation and business practices

  12. confirm that the selected product is suitable for the work to be carried out and in accordance with specifications

  13. check that the weather conditions are suitable for the application of nutrients to crops and plants outside

  14. calculate the minimum application rate to achieve the desired result

  15. implement the application of nutrients to crops or plants, in accordance with specifications, making use of technology where available

  16. recognise problems with the provision of nutrients to crops or plants and take action where required

  17. monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision of nutrients
  18. confirm that work is carried out in a manner that minimises environmental damage
  19. confirm that work is carried out in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies
  20. confirm that records are completed and stored as required by the relevant legislation and the organisation

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to identify hazards and assess the risks associated with the provision of nutrients to crops or plants
  2. the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity 
  3. the methods of maintaining hygiene and bio-security while providing nutrients to crops or plants, and the reasons why this is important
  4. the ways of assessing the condition and nutrient requirements for crops or plants 
  5. the sources of technical advice on the provision of nutrients to crops or plants
  6. the equipment and resources required for the job and how to confirm that they are used and maintained safely and correctly
  7. the safe and correct use of resources when providing nutrients to crops or plants
  8. the current national legislation controlling the use of fertilisers for crops and plants
  9. the importance of confirming that the provision of nutrients is completed in accordance with specifications
  10. the relevant legal and organisational requirements for the handling, transporting and recycling or disposal of waste and surplus material
  11. the methods of providing nutrients to crops or plants
  12. the ways of checking that the correct quantity of nutrients is available to the crops or plants
  13. the stages of crop or plant development
  14. the principles of sustainable production
  15. why fertilisers are important and the role of the main, major and trace elements including
  16. the different forms of fertilisers available, including organic and inorganic types, and the application requirements of each
  17. the fertiliser requirements for different groups of crops or plants, e.g. leafy vegetables or fruiting plants
  18. how to calculate the amount of nutrient required and how it should be prepared

  19. how to transport and store fertiliser and containers, according to the relevant legislation and specifications

  20. how to operate equipment to provide nutrients to crops and plants, including the use of technology where available

  21. the problems that may arise when providing nutrients to crops or plants and what action to take

  22. the importance of maintaining communication with those involved in, or affected by, the provision of crops or plants
  23. the importance of following environmental and ecological best practice to help minimise the impact of your work on the environment, including NVZ (Nitrate Vulnerable Zone) considerations, water pollution and the impacts of overdosing on plant health
  24. the actions that can be taken to preserve and improve habitats and biodiversity and respond to and mitigate the effects of climate change
  25. your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organisational policies
  26. the importance of maintaining records for the provision of nutrients to crops or plants, in accordance with the relevant legal and organisational requirements 


A. When providing nutrients to crops or plants maintain equipment in the following ways:

1. preparation
2. cleaning
3. storage

B. Take the following action when problems occur with the provision of nutrients to crops or plants:

1. remedy the problem
2. inform the required person

C. Dispose of the following types of waste:

1. organic
2. inorganic
3. surplus nutrient

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Major and trace elements include: nitrogen, sulphur, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus


organic sources (e.g. manures, slurries and bio-solids)
inorganic sources


method statements
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
manufacturers’ guidelines
customer requirements
quality assurance requirements
crop requirements
organisational policies

Sustainable production: Meeting the requirements for food production while maintaining profitability and preserving the environment.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Fruit and Vegetable Production Worker, Horticultural Technician, Nursery Worker, Crofter, Smallholder

SOC Code



crops; plants; nutrients; fertiliser