Monitor and implement the provision of water to crops or plants
Business Sectors (Suites): Agricultural Crop Production,Crofting and Smallholding,Horticulture
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is for those who monitor and implement the provision of water to crops or plants, either outdoors or in protected conditions.
You will require knowledge of the principles of plant growth and development as well as plant health. This will include the co-ordination of water provision to crops or plants in any agricultural or horticultural setting, whether amenity (green roofs, parks and gardens, sports turf, etc.) or crop production (fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees, etc.).
When carrying out your work you must consider the impact it will have on the environment, and work towards preserving and improving habitats and biodiversity and responding to and mitigating the effects of climate change.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- assess the risks associated with the site and the provision of water
- confirm that suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn
- confirm suitable levels of hygiene and biosecurity are maintained
- confirm the methods for the provision of water to crops or plants are established and clearly communicated to all those involved
- inspect crops or plants and assess the need for the provision of water
- seek technical advice where necessary
- confirm that the relevant licences are in place, where required
- implement the provision of water to the crops or plants, in accordance with specifications
- confirm that water is supplied at the correct time of day and in the required manner for the type of crops or plants
- check and confirm that the rate and pressure of water supplied to the crops or plants is at the correct level to achieve the desired results
- monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision of water
- identify the need for adjustments to watering systems
- confirm that the adjustments to watering systems are in accordance with the requirements of the crops or plants
- check that the equipment for providing water to crops or plants is used and maintained in a safe and correct condition and arrange repairs where necessary
- confirm work is carried out in a manner that minimises environmental damage
- confirm that work is carried out in accordance with the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and organisational policies
- confirm that records are completed and stored as required by the relevant legislation and the organisation
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to identify hazards and assess risks when providing water to crops and plants
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity
- the methods of maintaining hygiene and bio-security and the reasons why this is important
- why it is important to check the condition of crops or plants in accordance with specifications
- the stages of crop or plant development
- the principles of sustainable production
- the ways of monitoring water requirements for crops or plants
- the sources of technical advice for the provision of water to crops or plants
- the methods, systems and sources for providing water to the crops or plants
- when water licences are required and how to obtain them
- how to establish that the supply of water is suitable for the crops or plants
- the correct use of equipment for providing water
- the use of technology to manage watering systems
- the types of adjustments that can be made to watering systems
- the problems that may arise with the delivery of water to the crops or plants and how these should be resolved
- the routine maintenance requirements of watering systems
- the main advantages and disadvantages of the different watering systems that provide water to crops or plants
- the importance of maintaining communication with those involved in providing water to crops or plants and how this should be done
- the importance of following environmental and ecological best practice to help minimise the impact of your work on the environment
- your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, codes of practice and organisational policies
- the importance of maintaining records of water provision to crops or plants in accordance with the relevant legal and organisational requirements
A. When providing crops or plants with water make accurate adjustments to the following:
1. equipment2. water supply3. rate and pressure
B. Take the following appropriate action where problems occur:1. remedy the situation2. inform the required person
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
• schedules• method statements• Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)• manufacturers’ guidelines• customer requirements• quality assurance requirements• crop requirements• organisational policies
Sustainable production: Meeting the requirements for food production while maintaining profitability and preserving the environment.
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Farmer, Fruit and Vegetable Production Worker, General Farm Worker, Horticultural Technician, Nursery Worker, Crofter, Smallholder
SOC Code
crops; plants; water; irrigation