Use shotguns and rifles safely for pest control and sporting purposes LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2017


This standard deals with the competence required to use shotguns and rifles safely for pest control and sporting purposes.

It includes safe handling, firing and maintenance of shotguns and rifles as well as the knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation in relation to shotguns and rifles and their security.

To meet this standard you will be able to:

  • transport, carry, handle, load and discharge shotguns and rifles for pest control and sporting purposes
  • maintain shotguns and rifles for pest control and sporting purposes
  • abide by current legislation relating to ownership, storage, transportation, carriage and use of shotguns and rifles for pest control and sporting purposes

For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out a risk assessment of the environment where shotguns and rifles are to be used
  2. wear appropriate clothing and personal protective equipment for the activity
  3. transport shotguns and rifles and their ammunition safely, in accordance with relevant legislation and codes of practice
  4. carry both unloaded and loaded shotguns and rifles safely, in accordance with relevant legislation and codes of practice
  5. determine the maximum effective range of shotgun and rifle projectiles according to ammunition used
  6. determine the maximum effective range of shotgun and rifle according to ammunition used and target species
  7. determine the most appropriate ammunition according to target species
  8. select the correct ammunition and carry out safe loading and unloading procedures for shotguns and rifles
  9. use safe stance and firing positions for the target when using shotguns and rifles for pest control and sporting purposes
  10. aim and discharge shotguns and rifles safely and accurately, using rifle shooting aids where appropriate
  11. deal with a barrel obstruction or misfire
  12. disassemble and assemble shotguns and rifles in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and safe working practices
  13. clean, inspect and maintain shotguns and rifles in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and safe working practices
  14. store shotguns and rifles and their ammunition safely and securely, in accordance with relevant legislation and codes of practice

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant legal restrictions controlling the ownership and use of firearms for pest control and sporting purposes
  2. the legal requirements controlling the storage, transportation and carriage of firearms and ammunition
  3. the process for applying for a shotgun or sporting rifle certificate for pest control and sporting purposes
  4. the safety procedures for shotguns and sporting rifles
  5. the requirements for the secure and safe transportation of shotguns and sporting rifles and their ammunition
  6. the safe carrying methods for shotguns and rifles when they are loaded and unloaded and how to negotiate obstacles in the field
  7. how to select the correct ammunition for shotguns and rifles and what should be considered
  8. how to safely load and unload shotguns and rifles
  9. what to consider when selecting the firing position and stance to discharge shotguns and rifles for pest control and sporting purposes
  10. the aids that can be used to assist with rifle shooting and how they are used
  11. what to do in the event of a misfire of a shotgun or rifle
  12. what to do in the event of a barrel obstruction to a shotgun or rifle
  13. the main components of shotguns and rifles and how to disassemble and assemble them
  14. how to clean, inspect and maintain shotguns and rifles and why this is important
  15. the tools and equipment required to clean and maintain shotguns and rifles
  16. the action that should be taken in the event of a fault being detected with a shotgun or rifle
  17. the requirements for the secure and safe storage of shotguns and rifles and their ammunition


Recognise target, non-target and protected species:

  • mammalian
  • avian

Use one of the following shotgun types:

  • side by side
  • over and under
  • single barrel bolt or break action
  • if a semi-automatic is used one of the other type must also be used

Use one of the following rifle types:

  • bolt action
  • lever action
  • if semi semi-automatic is used one of the other type must also be used

Clean shotguns and rifles using:

  • oil
  • pull through or cleaning rods
  • phosphor bronze brushes
  • woollen mops
  • jags

Store guns and ammunition:

  • correct type of gun safe to meet legal requirements for both shotgun and rifle
  • ammunition stored separately under lock and key

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge

Shotgun types:

  • range of different bore sizes
  • ammunition shot size and type of shot e.g.  lead / steel

Rifle types:

  • range of calibre for sporting rifles for culling small game to large game
  • ammunition types and the range of calibre





Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) –  ear and eye protection

Rifle shooting aids e.g. rifle bipod, sticks from which to shoot rifles

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estate Worker, Gamekeeper, Stalker

SOC Code



shotguns; rifles; pest control; sport shooting