Prepare and carry out shotgun training
Business Sectors (Suites): Game and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is about preparing and carrying out shotgun training and is suitable for those working in the active role of a shooting instructor/coach.
The delivery of a shotgun training session in this instructing/coaching role relates to a variety of shooting skills across a range of clients from novice to advanced
level. You are expected to be operating under the control and commercially appropriate context of a shooting ground or school environment.
The delivery of the shotgun training session is done to a set format, appropriate to this level, that is both sequential and structured around accepted industry norms but which recognises and incorporates, where appropriate, individual client requirements.
In order to meet this occupational standard you must:
• prepare for the effective delivery of the shotgun training across a range of clients’ experience
• deliver shotgun training across this range meeting individual client requirements
• conclude shotgun training across this range giving effective feedback to enable progression
• display suitable knowledge and understanding appropriate to this level of instruction.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out work in line with health and safety requirements associated with the use of shotguns
- contribute to a risk assessment relating to the delivery of the shotgun training
- prepare for the instruction/coaching of shotgun training
- select suitable equipment for shotgun training
- ensure an appropriate training environment is accessed and maintained relative to the shotgun training requirement and level of delivery
- assess the level of client experience and establish the training objectives
- introduce the shotgun within the training context and assess safe handling and mount
- conduct accommodation of the shotgun within the training context and relate to gun fit
- ensure the correct shooting stance is adopted by the client
- ensure an accepted test for master/dominant eye is conducted
- interpret targets relating to set up position and communicate these to the client within the training context
- check that the client understands the theory to intercept the target
- instruct/coach on how to intercept using the accepted method
- interpret client's shot and give active feedback
- appropriately conclude live firing observing the relevant safety procedures
- ensure the shotgun is safely secured once shotgun training is concluded
- give positive feedback to the client within the context of shotgun training
- review training objectives in the context of shotgun training
- conclude shotgun training
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the specific responsibilities of the instructor/coach related to health and safety procedures associated with the handling and use of shotguns in the context of shotgun training
- the legal requirements associated with shotgun use
- how to carry out a risk assessment related to the shotgun training environment
- the importance of effective planning and implementation of a structured shotgun teaching and learning programme
- the importance of selecting appropriate equipment relevant to the shotgun training and its level of delivery
- the requirements of an appropriate shooting location/stand in relation to shotgun training and its level of delivery
- the clay target setup in relation to shotgun training
- the use of a trap/clay launcher in relation to shotgun training
- the importance of developing coaching techniques to meet the demands of clients
- the technical shotgun and cartridge operation and performance involving a range of shotgun and ammunition types
- how to structure a shotgun training session and the value of such a framework in promoting training objectives
- master eye theory and its practical implementation
- the accepted shooting theories and relative technical merits in the context of shotgun training
- shotgun accommodation in relation to teaching and its relative contribution to gun fitting, and its potential advantages related to individual client, context and/or target discipline
- the importance of allowing for deviation from the planned training relative to client requirements
- the importance of feedback in the context of shotgun training
- the importance of reflecting on the individual instructing/coaching experience
- the appropriate techniques for cleaning and general maintenance of a shotgun
- the role of the shotgun instructor/coach and the associated etiquette in the training environment
- the gun accommodation/gun fitting appropriate to this level of instruction
Ensure an appropriate training environment relevant to the training context:
• shooting stand/position
• appropriate teaching targets
• field or target discipline as required
Deliver instruction/coaching within the context of a basic or intermediate shooting lesson:
• target discipline
• field based shooting
Deliver shotgun training across range:
• novice
• intermediate
• male and female
• juvenile
• cross dominance
• use of side by side and over and under
• use of small gauge
• use of a fixed barrel
Assess level of client experience appropriate to a basic shooting lesson:
• no prior shotgun shooting experience (novice client)
• limited prior shotgun shooting experience
Correctly determine master eye relating to:
• left master/dominant eye
• right master/dominant eye
• central visions
• cross dominance
Undertake basic accommodation of the shotgun within the training context and relate to gun fit:
• assessment of stock length
• assessment of comb height
• judgement on permanent gun fitting
Observe and assess theory to intercept target based on client performance:
• promotes improvement of interception technique
• promotes client understanding of interception technique
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Suitable equipment relevant to the instructing/coaching task:
• clothing
• comb raisers
• stock boot
• snap caps
• recoil attenuator
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Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
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Relevant Occupations
Coach / Instructor
SOC Code
shotgun; training; instruction, coaching