Implement the release of juvenile gamebirds LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2017


This standard is about implementing the release of juvenile gamebirds for game shooting activities. It can be applied to any gamebird that is released into the wild.

This standard is aimed at those who work in game conservation on either a full- or part-time basis.

To meet this standard you will be able to:

  • implement release programmes
  • control the release of juvenile gamebirds
  • deal with variations from planned release.

For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. contribute to the planned juvenile gamebird release programme so that targets can be achieved
  2. support the release programme to assist the planned release, within known resource constraints
  3. implement the establishment of facilities to support the effective release of juvenile gamebirds
  4. implement the effective release of juvenile gamebirds, according to characteristics of the release area
  5. minimise the effect of factors that can disrupt release
  6. ensure gamebirds are transported, handled and released according to relevant legal requirements
  7. implement release activities to maintain gamebird welfare and development
  8. administer prophylactic and disease treatments to gamebirds, according to veterinary instructions and legal requirements
  9. maintain communication with those caring for gamebirds to facilitate an effective release
  10. modify the release to take account of factors that disrupt production
  11. monitor the release process and ensure accurate records are maintained
  12. ensure work is carried out safely, in line with relevant health and safety requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant legal requirements and codes of practice pertaining to the transport and release of juvenile gamebirds
  2. the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems used to support juvenile gamebird release
  3. how to implement a release programme to support the planned shooting activities
  4. how resources can be used to achieve the objectives of the release programme
  5. the habitat and welfare requirements of the juvenile gamebird being released, including food, water, shelter and roosting
  6. the nutritional requirements of juvenile gamebirds during release
  7. the environmental requirements of juvenile gamebirds during the release process
  8. how to prepare juvenile gamebirds for release, including the use of wing clipping
  9. the husbandry techniques and how they can limit disease problems in juvenile gamebirds
  10. the common juvenile gamebird diseases and their associated symptoms and treatments
  11. the relevant legal requirements associated with veterinary medicine and notifiable diseases
  12. the specialist handling requirements of juvenile gamebirds
  13. why it is important to monitor and control the release process
  14. how to minimise the potential impact of factors that can disrupt the release of juvenile gamebirds
  15. how pest and predator actions can disturb the release process and how to establish pest and predator controls to limit the impact
  16. the reasons for keeping records and the importance of their accuracy
  17. the health and safety requirements associated with the release of juvenile gamebirds.


Organise the following facilities:

  • release areas
  • release pens
  • feeding and watering equipment
  • pest and predator deterrents
  • pest and predator traps

Take account of the following release area characteristics:

  • habitat
  • shooting areas
  • availability of natural foods
  • availability of water
  • availability of safe roosting sites

Implement the following release activities:

  • feeding and watering
  • maintaining release pens
  • the provision of shelter
  • managing the distribution of game
  • disposal of waste
  • disposal of dead game
  • pest and predator control

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Game – pheasant, partridges, duck

Resources – people, materials, feed and water, release facilities, power, time, transportation

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estate Worker, Gamekeeper

SOC Code



gamebirds; release; pheasant; partridge; duck