Contribute to the rearing of gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds LEGACY
This standard is about contributing to the rearing of gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds in support of game shooting activities. It can be applied to any gamebird that is reared under controlled conditions.
This standard is aimed at those who work in game conservation on either a full- or part-time basis.
To meet this standard you will be able to:
- contribute to the planned rearing of gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks under controlled conditions
- maintain the production of reared gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks.
For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- contribute to the planned rearing of gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds so that production targets can be achieved, in accordance with relevant legal requirements
- contribute to the development of a gamebird rearing programme to achieve the required production targets, in accordance with known resource availability
- implement feeding and care regimes for reared gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds to maintain their nutritional and welfare requirements
- contribute to the effective implementation of the gamebird rearing programme, which complies with relevant legal requirements
- follow established procedures to minimise the effect of factors that can disrupt rearing
- ensure that rearing conditions maintain the welfare and development of reared gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds
- recognise ill health in reared gamebirds, through the accurate interpretation of signs of abnormality
- ensure the welfare and survival of reared gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds by maintaining them under specified holding conditions
- administer prophylactic and disease treatments to reared gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks according to veterinary instructions and legal requirements
- maintain communication with those caring for reared gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks to facilitate their effective production
- modify rearing activities to take account of factors that disrupt production
- ensure accurate records are maintained on the production of gamebird chick and juvenile gamebird production and report to the appropriate person
- ensure work is carried out safely, in accordance with relevant health and safety requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the relevant legal requirements and relevant codes of practice pertaining to production, transport and welfare of reared gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks
- the welfare requirements of the gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks being produced
- the importance of hygiene and cleaning to gamebird rearing
- the environmental requirements of gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks during the rearing process
- the nutritional requirements of all stages of gamebird development
- the advantages and disadvantages of the different rearing systems
- the common game bird diseases, their associated symptoms, the possible causes of infection and the treatments
- the relevant legal requirements associated with veterinary medicine and notifiable diseases
- the expected rearing losses including “starve outs”
- the relevant legal requirements controlling the disposal of dead chicks
- the specialist handling requirements of gamebird chicks and juvenile chicks
- how changes in the weather can impact on reared gamebird development
- the record-keeping requirements associated with the rearing of gamebirds and the importance of their accuracy
- the health and safety requirements associated with the rearing of gamebird chicks and juvenile gamebirds.
Contribute to the following production activities:
- transport and receipt of gamebird chicks
- maintenance of brooder units
- health care
- care of juvenile gamebirds
- disposal of dead chicks
Take action to deal with factors such as:
- environmental change
- equipment failure
- resource shortages
- pest and predator actions
- disease
Maintain the following rearing activities:
- feeding
- watering
- maintaining environmental conditions
- disposal of waste
- disposal of dead chicks
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Production – the development of game from day-old chicks until they are ready for release
Game – pheasant, partridge, duck
Resources – people, materials, feed and water, equipment, power, time