Contribute to the management of game habitat LEGACY
This standard is about contributing to the management of game habitat in support of game-shooting activities. It can be applied to any game habitat on any area of land used for game shooting.
This standard is aimed at those who work in game conservation on either a full- or part-time basis, and can be applied to any wildlife management area.
To meet this standard you will be able to:
- contribute to the planning of game habitat management to support planned sporting activities
- monitor habitat and habitat usage
- maintain habitat in support of game and gameshooting activities.
For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- determine the requirements for the management of game habitat through the findings of a habitat impact assessment and the analysis of game needs and sporting activity requirements
- identify how influences that may affect the management of game habitat apply in the wildlife management area
- contribute to the development of a game habitat management plan in accordance with ongoing management regimes for the wildlife management area, and the requirements of relevant legislation
- gain feedback on contributions to the game habitat management plan and agree the final plan with the shoot manager
- assist with the implementation of the game habitat management activities to support game populations and to meet the objectives of the game habitat management plan
- ensure work is carried out safely, in line with relevant health and safety requirements
- contribute to the management of game habitat within known resource constraints
- achieve planned game habitat management objectives to comply with relevant legislation and given codes of practice
- evaluate game habitat management activities against planned objectives
- deal with any influences that disrupt planned game habitat management to minimise their effect
- maintain effective communication with those implementing game habitat management activities
- maintain accurate records relating to game habitat management
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the relevant wildlife and environmental legislation with regards to game habitat management
- the habitat requirements of the game species found in the wildlife management area, and their interaction with natural flora and fauna
- how to carry out a habitat impact assessment
- the benefits of managing game habitat
- habitat management objectives
- how to manage habitat to optimise its sporting value and nature conservation
- the interaction of game habitat with other land users
- how human influences and land usage can impact on habitat
- where to source advice, information and grant aid in respect of game habitat management and conservation
- game habitat management activities and the factors that can affect their implementation
- how to support game habitat management activities
- why game habitat management activities may need to be modified if there are changes in environmental conditions
- the relevant legal requirements controlling game habitat management activities
- how game habitat management varies throughout the annual cycle
- the legal basis for your lawful presence on the land in order to manage game habitat
- the health and safety requirements associated with game habitat management activities
Make contributions to the management of game habitat to support the following activities:
- habitat monitoring/habitat impact assessment
- habitat creation
- habitat maintenance
Identify and deal with the impact of three of the following influences:
- environmental condition
- resource availability
- land usage
- legislation
- human influences
Maintain the use of the following resources, within known constraints:
- people
- materials
- equipment
- time
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Game – legal game quarry species, including deer
Wildlife management area – any area of land used for the provision of game shooting activities
Area characteristics – such as topography, other land activities, land type, drainage
Habitat creation – For example: the establishment of annual cover crops, the establishment of permanent hedgerows or woodland, etc.