Support the release of juvenile gamebirds LEGACY
This standard is about supporting the release of juvenile gamebirds in the wild. It relates to the work activities that you undertake to support the release of gamebirds and establish them at specified locations in the wildlife management area.
This standard is aimed at those who work in game conservation on either a full- or part-time basis, and can be applied to any wildlife management area involved in the release of juvenile gamebirds.
To meet this standard you will be able to:
- establish juvenile gamebirds in release areas, following the release specification
- maintain the welfare of juvenile gamebirds during release
- support the release process to establish juvenile gamebirds in the wild
- maintain juvenile gamebirds in specified locations in a wildlife management area.
For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out activities safely, in line with relevant health and safety requirements
- follow the process for supporting the release of juvenile gamebirds so that the release specification can be achieved
- assist with preparing release areas to optimise the survival of juvenile gamebirds during release
- assist with preparing juvenile gamebirds for release
- assist with transferring juvenile gamebirds safely to release areas in a way that minimises stress
- assist with establishing juvenile gamebirds in release areas at the required density
- handle juvenile gamebirds in a manner that maintains their welfare and minimises stress
- provide feed and water to control the location and distribution of released juvenile gamebirds to meet the release specification
- observe the behaviour and condition of juvenile gamebirds and report to the appropriate person any signs of stress or disorder
- maintain pest and predator controls to limit their impact on the released juvenile gamebirds
- take action to minimise the impact of disturbances likely to disrupt the planned release
- maintain accurate records according to relevant legal requirements and those of the organisation that you work for
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the relevant legal restrictions on the release of juvenile gamebirds
- how sites with conservation designations can affect the release of juvenile gamebirds
- the release specification and its relationship with planned sporting activities
- release timing in respect to juvenile gamebird development and shooting activities
- how to prepare release areas to receive juvenile gamebirds
- the release equipment and its application within the release process
- the methods of preparing juvenile gamebirds for release and relevant codes of practice
- the living conditions and welfare requirements required to maintain juvenile gamebird health and development during release
- the release techniques for juvenile gamebirds
- the expected behaviour of juvenile gamebirds during release and the actions to be taken if behaviour varies from the norm
- the signs that indicate stress or disorder in juvenile gamebirds
- how the location and distribution of released juvenile gamebirds can be controlled through the application of feed, water and shelter
- the factors that can affect the release process and how they can be controlled
- the effects of pests, predators, trespass and poaching on the release process
- how to minimise damage to natural habitat and wildlife during release
- the relevant health and safety requirements associated with the release process, including the implications associated with lone working
- the legal requirements and those of the organisation that you work for for record keeping
Prepare release areas in respect of:
- shelter
- protection
Observe behaviour in terms of:
- feeding
- movement
Achieve release specifications in terms of:
- location of gamebirds
- distribution of gamebirds
Take action in respect of the following disturbances:
- human
- pest and predator
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Gamebirds – Pheasant, partridge, duck
Release areas – Areas in a wildlife management area that have been developed to support the release of gamebirds into the wild
Release specification – Intended location and distribution of game on a sporting estate