Support the production of fertile gamebird eggs LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Gamekeeping and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2017


This standard is about supporting the production of fertile gamebird eggs. It relates to the work activities that you undertake to  support game breeding stock and the production of viable gamebird eggs.

This standard is aimed at those who work in game conservation on either a full- or part-time basis, and can be applied to any wildlife management area or game farm involved in the production of gamebird eggs.

To meet this standard you will be able to:

  • handle gamebirds and establish them in breeding  areas
  • care for gamebirds in a breeding area
  • collect, clean and store gamebird eggs ready for incubation.

For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out activities safely, in line with relevant health and safety requirements
  2. prepare breeding pens to secure and protect gamebirds
  3. prepare and maintain equipment and facilities in a clean and hygienic condition
  4. catch breeding stock or transferred-over wintered stock
  5. handle gamebirds with due regard for their health and welfare, to avoid injury and minimise stress
  6. prepare and establish gamebirds in breeding pens at a specified male to female ratio to support the production of fertile gamebird eggs
  7. maintain gamebird welfare requirements through the efficient application of resources
  8. observe the behaviour of gamebirds and report on any signs of stress or disorder
  9. remove and report to the appropriate person any mortalities within breeding stock
  10. collect gamebird eggs in a manner that minimises disturbance to the breeding stock and maintains the quality of gamebird eggs
  11. remove and report on non-viable gamebird eggs
  12. grade, clean and sort gamebird eggs
  13. store gamebird eggs to maintain their viability
  14. dispose of mortalities, non-viable gamebird eggs and other waste according to relevant legal requirements
  15. maintain accurate records according to relevant legal requirements and those of the organisation that you work for

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant health and safety requirements associated with the production, collection and storage of gamebird eggs
  2. how to prepare and maintain breeding pens to facilitate breeding
  3. the breeding ratios for gamebirds and how to identify and sex breeding stock
  4. the normal behaviour of gamebirds and the signs that indicate stress and disorder
  5. how to select and age breeding gamebirds and how age can effect egg production
  6. how to effectively establish and locate catchers to obtain target breeding stock
  7. the welfare requirements of breeding stock
  8. the breeding specifications and their implications
  9. the appropriate male/female ratios for breeding stocks
  10. the likely causes of mortality when breeding gamebirds
  11. the precautions that can be implemented to minimise feather picking and damage caused during fighting
  12. how to fit specs and brails and why they are used on breeding stock
  13. the relevant industry codes of practice
  14. when eggs should be collected and how to collect and handle eggs
  15. why it is important to minimise disturbance to breeding stock during egg collection
  16. egg viability and its importance to the breeding process
  17. how to sort eggs and identify those which are non-viable
  18. why eggs are sanitised before storage
  19. the egg storage requirements
  20. the relevant legal requirements controlling the disposal of mortalities, non-viable game eggs and other waste
  21. the legal requirements for record keeping and those of the organisation that you work for


Prepare pens to protect them from:

  • pests and predators
  • adverse environmental conditions

Prepare and maintain equipment and facilities used for:

  • egg collection
  • egg cleaning
  • egg storage

Prepare one of the following:

  • caught-up game bird stock
  • transferred-over wintered stock (closed flock)

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Game birds – Pheasant, partridge, duck

Closed flock – A breeding stock that is maintained in captivity throughout its life


  • food
  • water
  • grit
  • medication

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estate Worker, Gamekeeper

SOC Code



gamebirds; eggs; breed; pheasant; partridge; duck