Manage the implementation of game-shooting activities
Business Sectors (Suites): Game and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
30 Mar 2022
This standard outlines the competencies required by individuals who are responsible for managing the implementation of game-shooting activities. It has been developed so that it can be applied to any game-shooting programme on any area of land used for game shooting.
This standard is for those who work in game and wildlife conservation and who are responsible for managing the implementation of activities on a shoot day.
When carrying out your work you must consider the impact it will have on the environment and work towards preserving and improving habitat and biodiversity and responding to and mitigating the effects of climate change.
For you to fully understand the content of the standard, and the activities it describes, it is important that you are able to understand the terms used within the standard. See the Glossary for some definitions that should help you with this.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- manage game-shooting activities to ensure they are implemented according to the requirements of a risk assessment and the game-shooting programme
- manage the allocation of resources to achieve the planned objectives of the game-shooting programme
- manage staff and volunteers to facilitate effective implementation of the planned game-shooting activities
- confirm that the requirements of the game-shooting programme are communicated to all those involved with its implementation
- establish and maintain effective communication at all times, with guns, and those involved in implementing the game-shooting activities
- confirm that contingency plans are in place to deal with any factors that impact on the planned game-shooting activities, including human influences, unexpected game behaviour, weather conditions and deliberate actions to disrupt the activities
- confirm that all game-shooting activities meet the objectives of the game-shooting programme and are implemented according to the relevant legal and organisational requirements
- confirm that suitable measures are in place to maintain health and safety and are consistent with the relevant legislation and codes of practice
- confirm that game carcasses are handled and stored hygienically, according to the relevant legal requirements
- confirm that accurate records are maintained of all game-shooting activities, including the quarry shot, time and location and the shots taken
- obtain feedback from those involved in the game-shooting activities, including gamekeepers, support staff, volunteers and guns, to support the development of the game-shooting programme
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the roles essential to the implementation of safe game-shooting activities
- the resources required to support shooting activities, such as people, transport, equipment, finance and animals
- the methods used to prepare and brief all those involved with game-shooting activities
- the relevant national and local regulations that control game-shooting activities, relating to the use of firearms, access to the countryside, animal welfare, and the use of casual staff and volunteers
- how staff and volunteers can be managed to ensure the effective implementation of planned game-shooting activities
- the action to take in the event of deliberate disruption to the game-shooting activities
- effective recording systems and their value to the implementation of game-shooting activities
- the relevant legal requirements controlling the handling and storage of game carcasses
- how game reacts on shoot days and what can happen to alter their predicted behaviour
- the role of the relevant legislation, national policies, codes of practice, sector guidance and organisational requirements that support the safe implementation of game-shooting activities
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Game – any legal quarry species in the nation in which the shoot takes place. The legal restrictions for shooting “game” differs in each of the four UK nations and should be checked with the relevant national authority.
Game-shooting activities:
• the layout of the shoot area
• the preparation of equipment and materials
• liaison and organisation with guns
• the organisation of beating, flagging, stopping, picking up, handling and storing dead game
Game-shooting programme:
planned shoot activities covering a shooting season
participant in shooting activities
National authority controlling shooting activities:
• England – DEFRA
• Northern Ireland – NI Environment Agency
• Scotland – NatureScot
• Wales – Natural Resources Wales
Sector guidance could include:
• The Code of Good Shooting Practice
• Deer Initiative Best Practice Guides
• Scottish Wild Deer Best Practice Guides
• British Game Alliance Shoot Assurance Scheme
Wildlife management area:
any area of land used for the provision of game-shooting activities
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
30 Mar 2027
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Estates Manager, Game and Wildlife Manager
SOC Code
game; wildlife; shooting; estate; guns; live quarry