Implement and monitor a game management plan

Business Sectors (Suites): Game and Wildlife Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 01 Jan 2018


This standard outlines the competencies required by individuals who are responsible for implementing and monitoring a game management plan. It has been developed so that it can be applied to either a game bird production programme or a wild deer management plan. This standard is aimed at those who work as game managers and who are responsible for ensuring the effective implementation and monitoring the success of the game management plan. Game may include any species of game bird or wild deer.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. monitor and maintain activities to confirm the effective

    implementation of the game management plan

    1. manage the allocation of resources to achieve the objectives of

    the game management plan

    1. confirm that working methods maintain health and safety and are

    consistent with relevant legislation, codes of practice and

    organisation requirements

    1. confirm that the implementation of the game management plan

    maintains animal welfare and bio-security at all times

    1. confirm that accurate records are maintained in support of the

    implementation of the game management plan

    1. implement and monitor the game management plan according to

    relevant legislation, national policies, codes of practice, sector

    guidance and organisational requirements

    1. obtain and review feedback from those involved in implementing

    the game management plan

    1. make adjustments to the game management plan based on

    feedback obtained and also when constraints or emergencies

    impact on the plan's effectiveness

    1. respond to emergency situations as necessary

    2. seek professional advice when constraints or emergencies fall

    outside your own area of expertise

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the activities required to monitor and maintain the effective

    implementation of the game management plan

    1. the resources required to support the implementation of the game

    management plan, for example people, equipment, finance

    1. how to maintain the health and welfare of game species relevant

    to the game management plan

    1. the diseases associated with the relevant game species including

    their recognition and the appropriate action to take

    1. the relevant legal requirements that regulate animal welfare, biosecurity and disease control, pest control, waste disposal and

    transport activities

    1. the techniques used to assess relevant game population


    1. suitable data recording and analysis techniques

    2. how game management activities interact with other wildlife

    management area activities and users, and how to manage or

    influence these interactions in a positive way

    1. the constraints and emergencies that can impact on the

    effectiveness and efficiency of the game management plan, for

    example business objectives, political pressures, disease,

    legislation, resource or equipment issues

    1. the value of bio-diversity and sustainable practice to wildlife

    management areas

    1. the role of relevant legislation, national policies, codes of practice,

    sector guidance and organisational requirements that support the

    management of game


Monitor and maintain a game management plan for either:

• a game bird production programme or

• a wild deer management plan

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Pest control



Traps and snares


Sector guidance could include:

The Code of Good Shooting Practice

Deer Initiative Best Practice Guides

Scottish Natural Heritage Best Practice Guides

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

31 Jan 2023





Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Estates Manager, Game and Wildlife Manager

SOC Code



Game; Deer; Management; Plan; Wildlife