Control resources in support of fence installation
This standard describes how to control the resources required in support of fence installation. It includes both human and physical resources. This standard covers: • • • • • • identifying the skills requirements for the installation of fencing organising people to meet the skills requirements monitoring the performance of employees and contractors motivating people coaching people organising tools and equipment to support the installation of fencing • maintaining tools and equipment. This standard is suitable for fence installation supervisors. It can be applied to support any fence installation operation.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Control human resources in support of fence installation
confirm that health and safety policies and risk assessment
requirements are put into practice across your area of
confirm that the workforce wears suitable clothing and personal
protective equipment (PPE) to undertake the required job
monitor the health, wellbeing and safety of the workforce
deploy the workforce confirming that they have the required skills,
training and certification to undertake the work and hold the
required permits and industry recognised cards to work on site
confirm that the workforce has been informed of the required
standards of work and behaviour on site
monitor the quality and reliability of the workforce
support the workforce to ensure that fence installation can be
identify and deal with workforce shortfalls affecting the
achievement of the fence installation
Control physical resources in support of fence installation
identify the requirements for tools and/or machinery in order to
carry out the work from the instructions and specifications
obtain suitable tools and/or machinery to support the
requirements of the fence installation
check and confirm that tools and/or machinery meet operational
and relevant legal requirements
deploy tools and/or machinery to support the requirements of the
fence installation
confirm that users have the required skills, training and
certification to operate the tools and/or machinery
confirm tools and/or machinery are prepared and used safely, and
kept in a serviceable condition
confirm that the maintenance and repair requirements for tools
and/or machinery are met and recorded, in accordance with
company procedures
check that security and safety requirements for the storage of
tools and/or machinery are maintained
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
You need to know and Control human resources in support of fence installation
how to communicate health and safety policies and risk
assessment requirements to those carrying out the work, and
confirm that they understand their responsibilities
the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) that
should be worn
the health, wellbeing and safety requirements associated with
fence installation work
how to check that the workforce has the required skills, training
and certification to undertake the work, and that they hold the
required permits and industry recognised cards to work on site
how to establish the quality and reliability of a workforce
the advantages and disadvantages associated with different
workforces including employees only, contractors only,
contractors and employees working together
the company evaluation and reporting procedures used to control
workforce utilisation and suitability
how to deal with workforce shortfalls
how to support the workforce to achieve planned fence installation
how to instruct and coach people to achieve the skills required for
the fence installation
Control physical resources in support of fence installation
how to identify and obtain the tools and/or machinery required for
the fence installation in accordance with instructions and
the capabilities of tools and/or machinery required to carry out the
required installation
the hazards associated with the tools and/or machinery used
the specific training/certification requirements for people using the
tools and/or machinery
the relevant legal and company requirements that control the use
of tools and/or machinery
the company documentation requirements for monitoring the
usage and suitability of tool and/or machinery
the importance of following the specified company procedures for
preparing and using tools and/or machinery
the company maintenance and repair processes for tools and/or
machinery and the importance of maintenance and repair in
maintaining safety
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Instructions and specifications could include:
method statements
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
manufacturer's guidelines
customer requirements
quality standards e.g. BSI, CE
verbal instructions