Oversee the production of interpretive media
This standard is about overseeing the production of interpretive media such as printed material (e.g. leaflets, posters), displays, information boards, signs, trails, audio or audio-visual interpretations.
You must be able to prepare briefs for the production of interpretive media, monitor the production and evaluate the effectiveness of different kinds of interpretive media.
You must carry out your work in a way that takes account of its impact on the environment.
This standard is for those with responsibility for overseeing the production of interpretive media.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- identify the need for interpretive media and establish objectives
- design interpretive media that is relevant for the intended audience, location and the interpretation objectives
- prepare briefs for the production of interpretive media which meet relevant legislation and the policies of your organisation
- seek any additional information and advice from relevant sources
- identify relevant expertise to produce the interpretive media
- agree the budget, the resources and the timescale required with those producing the interpretative media
- agree further specialist design work to be carried out, if required
- present briefs to those producing the interpretive media in the format and level of detail required
- identify copyright and security issues and confirm that materials are protected
- oversee and monitor production progress against the agreed budget, resource allocations and timescales
- check and confirm that the interpretive media produced matches the design brief
- agree any proposed changes to the production plan with those involved
- check the accuracy and quality of the interpretive media produced
- check and confirm that site-based interpretive media is located in accordance with the original brief
- check and confirm that printed materials are distributed in accordance with the original brief
- take the required action when there are any problems with the production of interpretive media
- establish and agree evaluation criteria with those involved
- use evaluation methods that are relevant for the type of interpretive media and the audience and will provide results that can be analysed
- record evaluation data in a way that can be analysed
- maintain confidentiality and security of data as required by the relevant legislation and the policies of your organisation
- check that results reflect the evaluation criteria
- draw conclusions from the evaluation on the effectiveness of the interpretive media
- present results and conclusions to those who should receive them
- use the results of the evaluation to inform the production of interpretive media in the future
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to identify the need for interpretive media
- how to establish who the intended audience is, the location and the objectives required
- the types of interpretive media and the suitability of each for different audiences, locations and objectives
- how to consider the requirements of those with protected characteristics when producing interpretive media
- the need to consider relevant legislation and the policies of your organisation when preparing briefs for the production of interpretive media
- where to obtain additional sources of information and advice
- how to identify relevant expertise to produce the interpretive media
- how to identify the budget, resources and timescales required to produce the interpretive media
- how produce a brief in the format and level of detail required
- the importance of checking that copyright and security requirements are in place
- the importance of overseeing and monitoring production progress against the budget, resource allocations and timescales
- the factors that could affect production and how these should be handled
- the limits of your authority and from where to seek assistance
- how requirements for changes should be handled
- the importance of checking the accuracy and quality of the finished product, including siting or distribution where relevant
- the importance of evaluation and how this can be used to inform the development of future interpretive media
- how to establish valid evaluation criteria
- different methods of evaluation and the costs and relevance of each for the type of interpretive media and the audience
- how to carry out evaluations that will provide results that can be analysed
- the factors that can cause data to be skewed
- the methods of recording data and the suitability of each
- the relevant legislation regarding the security of data
- how to analyse data and draw conclusions, related to the evaluation criteria, that are supported by the results of the analysis
- who should receive the results and conclusions and how they should be presented
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Interpretive *media:* leaflets, signs, information boards, displays, trails, audio, audio visual
Methods of evaluation: social media, questionnaire, survey, collecting comments, interview, focus group