Assess and respond to incidents of flooding
This standard covers assessing and responding to incidents of flooding. It covers both actual and potential flooding, and concerns work that is carried out alone or as part of a team.
This standard requires you to be able to assess the scale and potential development of the flooding and assist in formulating and implementing a plan of action.
You will need to liaise and work with people from other organisations, such as the emergency services and other enforcing authorities.
You must carry out your work in a way that takes account of its impact on the environment.
This standard is for employees and volunteers who assess and respond to incidents of flooding.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- assess the risks associated with the site and the required activity
- wear suitable clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE)
- confirm that the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation are put into practice across your area of responsibility
- assess and record the scale of the incident of flooding and its likely rate of development
- carry out inspections of the site and interpret the information gathered
- take action to implement methods for dealing with the incident, which take into account all relevant factors, instructions, organisational requirements and the changing circumstances of the incident
- consider the impact on the environment, humans and the economy, as well as on the health and safety of all persons, and the rate of response
- maintain communication with members of the public, colleagues*,* **emergency services and members of other enforcing authorities
- select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials that meet the required specifications to deal with the incident
- monitor the extent and impact of the incident against the organised response and make any necessary modifications to the plan
- monitor the effect of the methods used to deal with the incident
- report on the effectiveness of the response to the incident and the effect this may have on the area at risk
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to identify hazards and assess risks
- the type of clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the activity
- your responsibilities under the relevant environmental and health and safety legislation, risk assessment requirements, codes of practice and policies of your organisation
- the types of incidents of flooding that may occur in the locality and the required response to such incidents
- how to assess the scale of the incident of flooding and its likely rate of development
- the methods for inspecting the site and interpreting site information
- the ways in which incidents of flooding can change and the required response to such changes
- the ways in which plans are produced to cover the equipment needed, safety and welfare considerations, access routes, necessary actions, flood alert levels and emergency plans
- the limits of your responsibility in relation to dealing with the incident
- the levels of flood warnings and the relevant responses
- the ways in which the response to the flooding may impact on the environment and how to modify plans to take into account the environmental considerations
- the health risks associated with polluted water in spate and associated decontamination and personal health precautions
- how to recognise and report potential pollution problems
- the relevant legislation and organisational requirements associated with incidents of flooding
- how to communicate with colleagues, emergency services and members of other enforcing authorities
- the advice to give to the public and how this should be done
- how to select, prepare and use tools, equipment and materials that meet the required specifications to deal with the incident
- the uses, limitations and inspection regimes of temporary flood defences
- the reasons why the incident must be monitored and types of modifications that may be required
- the types of obstructions and blockages that may occur
- the legal requirements and those of your organisation for recording and reporting
1 actual flooding
2 potential flooding
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Methods for dealing with a flooding incident:
• sandbagging
• bank reinforcement
• removal of obstructions
• operating defence barriers
• screen clearance
• pallet defences
• fences